That's a very good one Al.
The thing that people who haven't seen Puffins 'live' don't realise is just how small they are. I can't see what length of lens you were shooting with for this, but you've certainly got in close enough and have managed the exposure well in order to hold onto all the detail.
This little lad (or lady) has done well as what's in his/her mouth are the sand eels upon which they live and rear their young. The Welsh puffin population is doing okay, I understand, because they can still get sand eels. By contrast the Scottish puffin colonies are being decimated because of the huge fall-off in sand eel numbers in coastal waters. This is due solely to humankind's actions in terms of both over-fishing and climate change. There are records of puffins flying round trips of hundreds of miles just to get a few sand eels to take back to their burrows. It really is a tragic situation caused by stupidity and greed.
Such a beautiful picture.
Bird looks proud]
Thanks Donald You are right about the problem they are having, on the way to the island we were told about it. There does not seem to be much hope for a quick turnaround !!!
We shoot on a narrow dirt path close to a cliff. Puffins have about 5 meters or more to land before crossing the path. They usually get as close to people as they can for protection/taking a break. Then make a mad dash for the burrow.
I did take a 500 f4.0 IS but used it very little, mostly used the 70-200 IS and that is what I used for this image.
That's a beautiful picture with the clarity of the bird and all the different colors. Nice catch for you and the bird!![]()
This is a beautiful photo! My wife and I are considering planning a trip to Maine to look for puffins, and if I could get anything even close to this, the trip would be entirely worth it! Very nice work here, Alfred!
- Bill
Hi Bill Been a couple of times to Maine and it is great. You go to Machias Seal Island and view from a blind. Birds will land on the roof and right in front of youThe only down side to the trip is light. You need to luck out with a cloudy day, bright light makes it difficult. Also the boat doesn't always go, all weather dependent. At times you do get to the island but can't land due to swells at the boat ramp.
It is a great trip
Very nicely caught, Al.
Terrific shot, Al. In addition to what everyone else has mentioned, I just have to add that the green ground cover is reflecting in the bird's chest. Very nice!
You actually make me very jealous. I rented a 300mm lens for use on my crop-factor camera for my recent trip to Iceland. I rented it for use in puffin country on the last two days of my trip. I got that part right. The part that I didn't get right is that the birds left 2 - 3 days before I got there.
Look at this little guy - chest pushed out proud as heck! This is a great shot.