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Thread: Seeing through car window!

  1. #1
    Alis's Avatar
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    Seeing through car window!

    I have an exercise for you guys: does anyone know how I can make the people inside the car more visible in this picture. I need a printable version. This is the best I could do:

    Seeing through car window!

  2. #2
    iPhillip's Avatar
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    I feel it will be quite hard to get a printable version via pp in this photo. The variation in glare from right to left is too great unless you are willing to spend quite some time cloning and blending with levels. I also tried to implement a quick and not very good "polarising" effect in PS to not much avail; anyway you should have used a real polarising filter in the first place.

  3. #3

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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by iPhillip View Post
    I feel it will be quite hard to get a printable version via pp in this photo. The variation in glare from right to left is too great unless you are willing to spend quite some time cloning and blending with levels. I also tried to implement a quick and not very good "polarising" effect in PS to not much avail; anyway you should have used a real polarising filter in the first place.
    The impossible we do right away, but miracles take a little longer!

    Seriously, you could try pushing the contrast a bit (perhaps using a curve), but I think a reshoot would be easiest.

  4. #4

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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    next time use an UV filter

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    ~ but I think a reshoot would be easiest.
    Colin means with a polarising filter (he just can't bring himself to say it )

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Or, as an alternative to the circular polarising filter (perhaps this is what Colin meant); move the car somewhere where it is shaded from direct overhead light, e.g. under a roof or canopy of some kind, but with sufficient frontal light to illuminate the occupants. That way you'll get the same effect on windscreen as the tree and building have given on either side of this shot.

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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Colin means with a polarising filter (he just can't bring himself to say it )

    I have my doubts that it would make any difference, but I could be wrong

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    I have my doubts that it would make any difference, but I could be wrong
    That sounds like a friendly challenge for a couple of demo shots

    I'm just going outside, I may be sometime ...

  9. #9
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Thanks, everyone. Looks like there is no hope. It improved a lot when I played with the sliders in ACR but I think it is still too faded.

    This was with grandpa last year, no way I can shoot it again... If I was going to do it again, I would definitely wash the windshield...

    About moving the car, I am sure the car is not parked there anymore but again I can't go back.

    About CPL, my experience tells me that it is actually very helpful. We can all wait for the results of Dave's experiment...

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alis
    We can all wait for the results of Dave's experiment...
    Ah, slight confession ... it'll have to wait until tomorrow - I got side-tracked and took several hundred of migrating birds instead (while the sun shone) this afternoon

    Just trying to identify them ...

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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Ah, slight confession ... it'll have to wait until tomorrow - I got side-tracked and took several hundred of migrating birds instead (while the sun shone) this afternoon

    Just trying to identify them ...
    No rush, Dave!

  12. #12
    Amberglass's Avatar
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    CPL's will only remove about 85% of most reflections even when properly used. It will not removed 100% of reflections. If you want to show formally within the car with people, a reflector to bounce light into the car and/or fill flash is normally used. Cars with brighter interiors are somewhat easily to work in than darker ones.

    If you really think about it, this is the reason why many photographers prefer to shoot subjects( within closed environment cars) to shoot them with the half in and out of car with the door open. Or the door closed with the them leaning towards an open window.

    But it's perfectly ok for you to take a "snapshot" of a moment of your dad and his grandson enjoying themselves in timeless print.

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    Re: Seeing through car window!


    You reminded me of a shot taken by Joe McNally in his excellent new book The Hot Shoe Diaries ... (he attached a camera with a WA lens to a tripod arm on the front of the fire engine, a couple of flashes with gels inside the cab - and another on top)

    Seeing through car window!

  14. #14
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Hi Alis,

    How's this?
    Seeing through car window!

    Don't ask me exactly what I did, just use this!

    It started with a selection of the flared windshield which I drastically tweaked the levels on, then a couple of passes of LCE with USM, followed by a lot of cloning, blurring and dodging 'n' burning to cheat the edges.


  15. #15
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by Amberglass View Post
    CPL's will only remove about 85% of most reflections even when properly used. It will not removed 100% of reflections. If you want to show formally within the car with people, a reflector to bounce light into the car and/or fill flash is normally used. Cars with brighter interiors are somewhat easily to work in than darker ones.

    If you really think about it, this is the reason why many photographers prefer to shoot subjects( within closed environment cars) to shoot them with the half in and out of car with the door open. Or the door closed with the them leaning towards an open window.

    But it's perfectly ok for you to take a "snapshot" of a moment of your dad and his grandson enjoying themselves in timeless print.

    Thanks, Amber, for the tips.

  16. #16
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post

    You reminded me of a shot taken by Joe McNally in his excellent new book The Hot Shoe Diaries ... (he attached a camera with a WA lens to a tripod arm on the front of the fire engine, a couple of flashes with gels inside the cab - and another on top)
    Interesting! I have only one of those flashes.

    I have seen pictures of him with like 15 flashes attached to his dress. He likes it and comes up with new set ups all the time.

  17. #17
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Alis,

    How's this?

    Don't ask me exactly what I did, just use this!

    Thanks, Dave, but I am not sure if I can use that But this tells me that there is really no hope!

  18. #18
    Amberglass's Avatar
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Don't ask me exactly what I did, just use this!

    It started with a selection of the flared windshield which I drastically tweaked the levels on, then a couple of passes of LCE with USM, followed by a lot of cloning, blurring and dodging 'n' burning to cheat the edges.

    Nice try, Dave. But unfortunately PL filters is one of the very few filters that Ps has a hard time reproducing successfully. It's why many photographers are recommended to have one as an essential in their bags.

  19. #19
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alis View Post
    Thanks, Dave, but I am not sure if I can use that But this tells me that there is really no hope!
    Shame, I thought we were trying to improve/salvage something that was unrepeatable, therefore, while it can't aspire to our normal technical standards, the content was worth the effort.

    As an exercise in making it look like a polariser had been used, under less than ideal circumstances (the trees and building), I was reasonably pleased with it.

  20. #20
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Seeing through car window!

    Quote Originally Posted by Amberglass View Post
    Nice try, Dave. But unfortunately PL filters is one of the very few filters that Ps has a hard time reproducing successfully. It's why many photographers are recommended to have one as an essential in their bags.

    I quite agree, it's a tough fix to do in PP and will never be great due to the severe liberties one has to take with the black level and contrast range in the affected areas.

    I do indeed have one in my bag.


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