Hello everyone,
I've been trying to follow the instructions on screen calibration using Windows colour managment. Tiny tots' first steps, but it would be nice to be able to get it to work.
I get to the end of the routine, create an .icc profile file, which Windows will use for a few minutes, or operations, then seem to discard. Particularly after first logoff / logon, there is no way of reactivating the profile. I created a bright pink profile by putting the green slider to minimum, just to be sure whether it was being used or not.
I've tried every combination of settings on the 'Device' tab and the 'Advanced' tab I can think of, including changing system defaults, checking and unchecking 'use my settings', checking and unchecking 'Use Windows display calibration', using the 'Reload current calibration' button, nothing doing.
I've printed out the 7 pages 'of 'Help', no help.
I've no idea what the drop-downs in the 'WCS Defaults' box do, they don't seem to affect anything.
At logon, I see my bright pink profile for a second, then it is replaced by standard settings. Perhaps something in the startup menu ?
FWIW I've got a Dell Inspiron laptop with a Dell U2312HM IPS monitor attached.
Anyone out there know how this works ?