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Thread: family wedding

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Salisbury, uk
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    Paul Matthews

    family wedding

    went to a family wedding and done the usual whilst there. the following morning i was also asked to take some pics of the family and kids at the beach. please let me know your thoughts on any of the pics.

    family wedding

    family wedding

    family wedding

    family wedding

    I'm not 100% about this one below
    family wedding

    family wedding

    and then some experimenting for an album cover of sorts
    family wedding

    family wedding

    family wedding

    family wedding

    I apologise for the amount of photo's but look forward to any CC that can be given as its the first time i have done a wedding or anything like the last few images.

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 28th February 2013 at 12:31 AM. Reason: Number shots to give us a chance

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: family wedding

    Hi Paul,

    I apologise for the amount of photo's but look forward to any CC that can be given as its the first time I have done a wedding or anything like the last few images.
    It helps to be a bit more selective and number the shots (I have done this) - otherwise just think how we'd have to describe comments on any of the last four, so you'd know which we meant

    This may help you:
    How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images


  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: family wedding

    Hi again Paul,

    1 - 3 are fine as Reception pictures

    #2 is great but I'd clone out the sharp edged bit in the bokeh top left of centre.

    #3 I'd crop so there's also half a lamp on left too and clone out the green blob top right

    4 - 6 are not obviously wedding shots (in any way) for those that haven't been there, but then

    the following morning i was also asked to take some pics of the family and kids at the beach.
    7 - 10 ok as experiments, for me #9 works best, followed by #7, the other too have the cannon barrel, which might mean something to the participants, but not to us - it just complicates things.

    Hope that helps,

  4. #4

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    Re: family wedding

    In #3 I find the lighting a bit bright and would suggest bringing them down to a point they are not the first thing you see. #6 crop it tighter to eliminate some of the non-contributing sky and beach. As an old married guy I think the inclusion of the cannon is appro.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Paul Matthews

    Re: family wedding

    Thanks guys. I'll look at cropping a couple of the pics accordingly. The cannon does mean something as the wedding was held at polhawn fort and is a garden piece do it will stay in most the pics.
    Thanks for taking the time to look and comment

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: family wedding

    Quote Originally Posted by paulm View Post
    The cannon does mean something as the wedding was held at polhawn fort and is a garden piece so it will stay in most the pics.
    Ah now, if I'd known that, I would'na suggested removing it

    Brings us back to it being worth your while to tell us a bit more about the pictures

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