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Thread: Self Portrait

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Self Portrait

    Good morning Fellow CiC folks. Hope you are all well.

    Please take a look at the image below. I wanted to try some experiments with my lighting and wanted to make the subject appear in the shadows.

    I have studion lighting (Stobe lights)

    I used just one with barndoors and honey comb as my main and that was all I used in terms of lighting.
    I set up my Canon EOE 400D on a tripod at head heights.

    Once I made a marker where I should stand, to get the image in focus and fairly close up. I had to crop some a bit to frame it as I have done of course.

    I positioned my light, again, head height but off to my right. Initially, it was directly to my right pointing to the side of my head, but then I moved it very slightly towards the front (maybe a few inches) and aimed it torwards my head, hoping to light up the side of my head and half of my face.

    Please provide some CC.

    If I take this kind of shot on somebody else, surly it would be easier anyway to get it better, with focus and whatnot.

    Self Portrait

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Andre Burger

    Re: Self Portrait

    Hi Nigel,

    Maybe it is a good idea to powder your face before taking portraits like this, to much reflection.
    The lighting and exposure looks good on my screen. The B&W tones also look good.
    In an image like this I would allow space in the frame for the left side of the face as well - It might not be visible but we know it should be there. Cutting a head, I just don't like doing it.

  3. #3

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    Re: Self Portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by AB26 View Post
    Hi Nigel,

    In an image like this I would allow space in the frame for the left side of the face as well - It might not be visible but we know it should be there. Cutting a head, I just don't like doing it.
    Thank you Andre for your input. This is a very good point indeed and something I will consider next time.

    When you say Powdering of the face. Any particular powder? ANd I guess this will take away any of those reflections, or at least, tone them down a bit, right?

    Thanks again.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Andre Burger

    Re: Self Portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by Smudger View Post
    When you say Powdering of the face. Any particular powder?
    The make up ladies use - it is used in TV shows.

  5. #5
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portrait

    Hi Nigel!

    I can certainly sympathize with the difficulties involved with doing a self. Especially when you are trying to adjust lighting, get the right exposure, the right focus, and everything else. I think you have done a great job with it.

    As for the various hotspots, easily corrected in post if you have the desire.

    As for the lighting, I think you have achieved what you have said you wanted.

    So with (what I interpret) you want with this lighting, may I ask if, while getting this same lighting effect, you could get a little more light to the light side eye would that be a better more dramatic shot? All that is visible is the extreme right (camera left) eye white and the rest is a pretty harsh transition to hard black.

    To maybe get a little more light in there, maybe consider moving your honeycombed/barn door light a bit more around to the front, then feather it off to the victim right (camera left). Maybe using the light right barn door to help you direct.

    I’m just thinking that with your nice directional set-up on that light, you could move it a bit more around front, get that eye lit a tad more, and still get the effect you are wanting.

    And again, as you mentioned, if you could get a “sit-in” model it would free you to make “real time, on the go” adjustments.

    Just a Theory, Nigel.

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portrait

    Very nice. It wouldn't be any fun if we couldn't attempt a do over. How much did you crop?

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Self Portrait

    Thank you Terry for your input and I agree that some additional lighting to that eye would create a better shot. Still quite new to using the barn doors and whatnot.

    Shadowman - Thanks for looking and commenting also.

    As the camera was only about 2 metres from me, or maybe less, I didnt need to crop too much.

    That said, without checking, I might be wrong (I am at work at the moment) I think I shot this with the camera in the landscape position, therefore, I cropped suffient enough to create this portrait with the eyes in the upper thirds.

    I also considered taking away some of my blemishes but then, decided against it as I wanted it to be as RAW as possible.

    I would have to check on this because I did also take a number of images with the camera in Portrait.

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