When people visit Salisbury in the UK, they always see Stonehenge, the cathedral or the town centre; but how many of you will arrive from London to Salisbury by Train?
Built by the London and South Western Railway 1 March 1847. It has seen a lot of history, including a terrible crash which happened in 1906 involving a boat train and a milk delivery train (more on that later).
There are six platforms, including a hidden platform which I have shown here. The entrance shown is where passengers once entered the station. The new entrance is around the corner and along the street, but this is where it all began.
The staff don't like to go to this part if they can help it. My friend who works here as a guard says its creepy, she says she feels like she's being 'watched'. Apparently this was one of the earliest parts of the station to be built.
This is the waiting room passengers would have waitied in. It's now the railway social club, the newer passenger rooms are along the platforms.
Passengers would have stayed at this place known as the London hotel.
It's now an Italian resturant.
Passengers arriving by horse drawn carriage would have stopped here.
This post is where the horses would have been tied up.
Lastly this road is where the railway workers lived.
Now all private houses. thanks for looking, I hope these pictures show what life was once like. if they appear that is!