It's OK Henrik.You are not hijacking my thread
I like that program. May be it is free and simple.
I must look at it closely. Later.
It's OK Henrik.You are not hijacking my thread
I like that program. May be it is free and simple.
I must look at it closely. Later.
For your simple requirement of white border and black outline on Image., you are going through such a lengthy process. I suggest few simple steps in PS.
1. select the layer of Image
2. In PC. press control + J twice ( this will make 2 additional copies of the Image )
3. Select the 2nd layer. now increase the canvas size by twice the amount of black
pixel border you want ( If you want one pixel black border Than increase canvas size by 2 pixel )
in 2Pxls WIDTH and 2 Pxls HEIGHT. fill this 2nd layer with BLACK.
now merge this 2nd layer with Top Image layer... NOW Your Image has
required thickness of black border.
4. Now select BOTTOM layer Increase the Canvas size by twice the thickness
of White Border or say frame you want around your image. That is if you
want 12 Pxl white border than increase canvas size by 24 Pxls. in WIDTH and 24 Pxls in Hight. fill this layer with white
5. With Image layer with Black border selected create shadow as required
Merge all layers.. and your Image with Black Border and White Frame is
6. As regards TEXT. write text as required . and
place this text whereever you want. MERGE all layer and you have finished your
To Avoid every time writing text., I would suggest., Save this Text file
as PNG file. so that you can reuse it
Hope this is the simplest solution.
Last edited by Ashwin; 12th November 2009 at 09:52 PM.
Just wanted to add that the thin border around the image can be achieved in a simple use of the blending options when doing the shadow. In the same dialog box, if you go to Stroke, you basically have a one stop shopping, can select the color, the texture, whether you want it to be inside or outside (with the outside option, the corners will be rounded), etc.
I wouldn't recommend rasterizing the text. It will automatically be rasterized when you save to a format that dosnt' allow vector components. A simple script might be the way to go that creates everything as shape layers, so everything is preserved correctly as the image is upsized or downsized for various outputs.
Hi Ali.,
If we go through the step you are suggesting., we will end up in round corners., if it is thicker outline than there will be problem., whereas in the process I have suggested there will be no round corner whatever the size of the border
Yes Raterising Text Layer is my wrong suggestion., Sorry
Last edited by Ashwin; 12th November 2009 at 09:49 PM.
What about thick white frame - or say border around image ? if somebody tries White STROKE instead than what happens., In the forum many a time I feel very basic
problem which can be solved within fraction of a second., is having prolong discussion.,that is why to be on safe side and not to give chance for confusion I
suggested that way
For sharpening Image., I prefer High pass sharpening. My experiance show that it is far better option than USM
Last edited by Ashwin; 13th November 2009 at 05:34 AM.
Nemaste Ashin !
Fantastic. Great. Good.Shucrea.
But... - I don't have now the time to do what you suggested but I have one question even before I read what is already written here - does this method keep the size of the canvas regardless the crop of the original photo ?
Do I make myself clear ?
If not, please let me know and - with a bit more time - I will explain again and better what I mean.
Namaste António Correia
Be specific.....
If your image size is say 300 Pxl - 100 Pxl and you want 1pxl black border and say 20 pixel white
frame all this will ( 20Pxl White + 1 pxl Black = 21 pixel X 2 = 42 Pxls ) your final canvas
size will be your image size plus this 42 pixels ( 342 pxl - 142 pxls)
Namaste Ashwin
So, I didn't explain myself correctly.
Oh, but let me thank you for having the work to write that small tutorial and keeping cooperating in the pursuit of the right canvas, signature, etc.Shucrea !
As you can see here, with my hard way I can make the same photo with two different crops to result in images that have the same size of canvas.
Let me explain again because I feel it is not well.
The same photo. Two different crops. In both of the final images the canvas has the same size.
Fine. This is what I had been fighting for a long time until I decided to spend a hole afternoon working on it.
And I think the result is fine because the files are all sized to the same parameter, the same reference, like the meter is the standard for length.
- Off the record: I explain twice and in simple words because sometimes I feel I have some difficulties on explaining what I want and, as English is not my native language, I learned it only for 3 years I know I have some difficulties while with you English is not your native language but I am sure had much more influence than with me -
Now side by side
Silly me !! Silly me !!
It's not working !!! I am going to kill myself. I was wrong all the timeI didn't test it enough. Silly
And why is this important ?
Because sooner or later I want to make an exposition of SCP and then, because they have different crop factors, I will have different borders in different images side by side.
Namaste António Correia
Still it is not clear, different crop factors, do you mean to say different sizes of the photographs, if you want to put the photographs side by side than HEIGHT WISE all the photographs should be of same height., length of the photographs does not matter.
If this condition is met than there will be no problem...
I forgot to ask you this Antonio. What do you think about the pink color of the scarf in contrast to the dark brown skin. I think it has too much contrast, certainly nothing you can see in real life. I would make the pink a little less brigth at least.
Also I am wondering what did you do exactly in PP to come up with that shiny pink color?
Indeed the color is more or less of course, like as we see here.
In Rajasthan women dress with very strong colors.
I post here the image directly from raw without any treatments.
I hope to be able to post more pictures like this. Sooner. I only shot 2.000 ...
Only I don't know yet how many of them are pure and simple garbage.![]()
Namaste Ashwin and shucrea for your patience and help.
I am very confused now. No reason to ? OK, may be so...
Let me try again:
When I began making canvas in my shots I realized that some canvas were larger than others for images say... square ones.
So, if I print them with the same size of 10*10 cms and put them side by side and I would have a discrepancy between them in terms of appearance.
I discovered that the problem happened when I was making more or less tight crops.
Like here. Yes, but here we have two sizes/crops not one.
But let me make another version of the same image with a different ratio of square crop to see what I get. More enlarged, nearer.
Now I am a little happier. Because I have made the same photo with the same size with a very different crop and I ended up with the same canvas. YES ! How clever I am !
So, this means that when I make images with the same ratio I always get the same size of canvas. Perfect. That was my goal.
And this happens because the size reference is the same. Remember I re-size the files to the same basis.
Now, when I saw that the square format has a different canvas from the portrait format I was wrong because it doesn't. It is a matter of scale that what it is.
One other thing I would like to say: look at her eye. It's me on our left and someone on our right. Can't remember who was it but when she looked, she looked at that person.
You can get now an idea of the environment I was dealing with for this photo. When I can I run out of the Sun. Trees behind her are great. Nice bokeh with the 5 and the 24-70 at f/3,5 70mm.
I hope that things are clearer now and shucrea again Ashwin.
Oh, but your way keeps the canvas the same size regardless the magnitude of teh crop ?
Ah, well. Here is a version from ACDSee Pro 3, where you define everything via sliders. Rather easy to perform. Can't get exactly your shadow. - If one only goes for this "floating" feature, there ought to be a cheaper program than ACDSee.
BTW: If you keep the image size in pixels like this first one, you can put any enlagement into the same "frame" - as it is a matter of adding some 17 pixels all around + some more at the bottom.
Regards, Henrik
Last edited by Henrik; 16th November 2009 at 05:59 PM. Reason: Addition
Pretty cool Henrik
I bet that there is a way to do it in LR, but I haven't still found it.
I have never - meaning not yet - even searched for it.
However, I remember to see someone to do something similar with LR but I couldn't do it even trying hard for some time.
But for now, "my way" is working and I don't want to spend more time on this as I have other more interesting things to do.
But Henrik, do you like Bob Dilan ?
Oh yes. Great. A master. Wonderful. Very good music indeed. But he is an old chap...
Well, Beethoven is also an old guy and we like his music...![]()