Re: So - where are you going this year?
Interesting thread! I'm going to Kershopefoot, Cumbria this August for a week. I lived in London many years but never saw much of the north of England, and am looking forward to it.
After that we go to London for another week. I'll be looking at it with different eyes to when I lived there, as I wasn't very active with the camera in those days.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
Originally Posted by
Barolo, Barbaresco, Barbera
Thanks to my classical music background, I have always thought of the three Bs as Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. Phil's comment makes me wonder if my wine hobby should take over with the use of four Bs: Barolo, Barbaresco, Barbera and Bordeaux.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
First week of May, Grand Canyon in Arizona, Sedona Arizona, Zion National Park Utah, Brice Canyon Utah. bringing everything but the kitchen sink
Re: So - where are you going this year?
I posted earlier to this thread stating that my family and I were going to take an 8 day cruise down the Rhine in July. After the day of work I experienced today, I would appreciate the opportunity to amend my response.
I am going crazy this year. Plan to take a lot of photos. Anyone going there with me?
Re: So - where are you going this year?
Originally Posted by
My wife and I are going to see our family in Cairns, Australia in September. Hope to get to the great Barrier Reef
We just spent a few days in Palm Cove (just north of Cairns). The "Ocean Freedom" would be a decent bet for a day snorkelling out of Cairns. Also the gondola (Sky Rail)up to Kuranda and the train back down is a nice day trip. Spend the extra few $$ and opt for the Gold Service on the train.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
For your trip in southwestern France, I'd suggest (1) Carcassonne and especially the walled part of the city; black swans outside the walls near the train station, (2) Auch for the Saturday market and the organ in the big church (no flash inside so warm up your large ISO numbers!), and (4) the big parks in front of the France/Spain border (Parc Naturel Régional des Pyrénées Anégeoises and Parc National des Pyrénées. I stayed at the Hotel Robinson on the road to Tarbes from Auch which has both free internet and free parking for less than $100USD about two years ago.
Hope this helps.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
For Northern England, fersure visit Hadrian's Wall. Also, take a look at Jedburgh for the WWII displays (though, since you're from Madrid, you may not find them as interesting as I did). Personally, I had a great time at Hadrian's Wall since I first heard about it in high school Latin class. And, numerous pubs with excellent shepherd's pie which is one of my favorite pub FOODs (not going to get into a beer discussion on this site) along with steak and kidney pie are to be found in the small towns around there. I also found the locally made ice creams really good.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
For Black Pearl -
I had the good fortune to be in Normandy over the weekend of the 50th anniversary of D-Day in 1994. Then, I was there again during the weekend of the 60th anniversary in 2004.
First, I stayed with a friend in Caen the first night (Thursday). AThen, beginning on Friday morning, I drove north from Caen to Ouistrerham, from which I turned west as close as possible to the coast and drove west to Sainte Mère Eglise with a short diversion to Bayeux. I tried to stop at all the beaches from East to West, Sword, Juno, Gold, (mainly British) and then Omaha and Utah (mainly US).
I also stopped at Pointe du Hoc (chiefly famous for being the target of an assault by what I'd characterize as early arrivals) and the American Cemetery as well as several (formerly German) bunkers overlooking the landing beaches. Finally, I spent that night in Cherbourg. Sorry, the hotel was unremarkable, so I don't remember it.
Hope this helps.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
Originally Posted by
Manfred: how about Acadia NP in the fall, not all that far from Ottawa.
Great suggestion Alan - it's actually fits in quite well with what we are looking at doing this summer (rather than your autumn suggestion). We got as far as the Gaspé last summer and this year we were thinking of heading into the Maritimes and down through Maine for a couple of weeks at the end of June or early July. We haven't been to Acadia NP in years.
On the other hand, that means I still need to find someplace to head solo. It's the busy time of year for my wife at work from the end of August through the middle of November, so she won't be able to come. I'm mulling of going back to Iceland and spending a week in the West Fjords with my camera, heading over to a few places in Europe I haven't been before for some urban shooting (I hear the Art Deco buildings in Riga, Latvia are worth visiting, but not too sure about the weather later on in the year) or perhaps heading down into the south-western US and poke around a few of the Route 66 sites down that way.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
Originally Posted by
Delighted to hear it. I lived next to Culloden battlefield for quite a number of years. Get it on a damp, misty morning (August/September could be perfect) - very early, just as dawn is breaking, before others get there. The atmosphere just grabs you and holds you.
I would love to go to Colloden. I didn't have any ancestors fighting there because my ancestors left Scotland for Ireland and then to America. My last ancestor to live in Scotland, Robert Irvine, died (or was executed) on 4 Feb 1645, in Tolbooth at Canongate Prison, Edinburgh, Scotland. His brother, the Laird of Drum, who was under sentence of death, was liberated by Montrose immediately after his victory at Kilsyth in 1645.
I am trying to decide whether to visit Vicksburg, Mississippi or Gettysburg, Pennsylvania this July. The weather in either place will be horribly sweltering hot but, it will be the 150th Anniversary of the Fall of Vicksburg on 04 July 1863 and the Battle of Gettysburg 01-03 July 1862.
The Gettysburg battle site would be more interesting to me since I am a student of that battle. I would love to walk the path of Picketts Charge. As Donald mentions being at Colloden early in the morning, Picketts Charge was at high noon over a long stretch of open ground broken only by a pair of fence lines...
However, I had a great-great randfather and several great-great uncles who fought and were captured at Vicksburg. Besides Mississippi is closer to California than is Pennsylbvania and I caould also do a bit of genealogy research while there. I had also ancestors from Mississippi who were in the militia during the War or 1812 and fought at the Battle of New Orleans.
Both Vicksburg and Gettysburg should have great reenactments being that it will be the 150th anniversary.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
I'll be spending quite a bit of time in NW Scotland but alos fancy going to the Scilly Isles. My wife went there many years ago and enjoyed it. I like the idea of going somewhere without the car and just walk or cycle around.
Noel, if you have time while in Scotland I recommend almost anywhere north and west of the Great Glen and the Black Isle to watch Dolphins just feet from the shore.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
Originally Posted by
I am trying to decide whether to visit Vicksburg, Mississippi or Gettysburg, Pennsylvania this July. The weather in either place will be horribly sweltering hot but, it will be the 150th Anniversary of the Fall of Vicksburg on 04 July 1863 and the Battle of Gettysburg 01-03 July 1862.
The Gettysburg battle site would be more interesting to me since I am a student of that battle. I would love to walk the path of Picketts Charge. As Donald mentions being at Colloden early in the morning, Picketts Charge was at high noon over a long stretch of open ground broken only by a pair of fence lines...
Both Vicksburg and Gettysburg should have great reenactments being that it will be the 150th anniversary.
Doubt you could go wrong with either of those, but Gettysburg is just magical. They hold what may be the premier re-enactment in the country every year, and I would think this anniversary will be even greater. They re-enact Pickett's charge, and it's an awesome photo-op. Those middle-aged fat guys dressed in wool in 90 degree heat look truly in distress, and drop like flies running that 3/4 mile.
I was there for the Turner movie production, and it was incredible. And it's the only battlefield I've ever been to where I feel I can envision exactly where and when the ebb and flow to place. I may just see you there if you choose it. I haven't been to Vicksburg, but wasn't aware it has near the same degree of preservation that Gettysburg has.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
Originally Posted by
For Northern England, fersure visit Hadrian's Wall. Also, take a look at Jedburgh for the WWII displays (though, since you're from Madrid, you may not find them as interesting as I did). Personally, I had a great time at Hadrian's Wall since I first heard about it in high school Latin class. And, numerous pubs with excellent shepherd's pie which is one of my favorite pub FOODs (not going to get into a beer discussion on this site) along with steak and kidney pie are to be found in the small towns around there. I also found the locally made ice creams really good.
Hi Virginia,
I presume you're replying to my post. Jedburgh sounds interesting, also for the Mary Queen of Scots House. I live in Madrid, but I'm from New Zealand and I've lived in London many years, so the history for me is relevant and interesting. I'm also looking forward to the English pub food, Shephard's Pie included.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
No really fancy trips for me. I just want to go on some short photographic road trips with my hubby and step kids.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
For a geographer not to have travel plans is a non-starter. We ALWAYS have travel plans! Mostly mine for this year will involve desert locations in the eastern part of Southern California + a conference, probably in San Antonio, TX.
I'm jes' sayin'....
Re: So - where are you going this year?
Originally Posted by
We just spent a few days in Palm Cove (just north of Cairns). The "Ocean Freedom" would be a decent bet for a day snorkelling out of Cairns. Also the gondola (Sky Rail)up to Kuranda and the train back down is a nice day trip. Spend the extra few $$ and opt for the Gold Service on the train.
Thanks for your suggestions Martin. We did the Kuranda trip last year on our first visit. Also thinking of going further north. I am interested in taking wildlife and have heard that there are good opportunities there.
Re: So - where are you going this year?
Originally Posted by
All these wonderful sounding trips and the only place I am going is....CRAZY!!:eek:
I must be CRAZY if I am going to Texas in August!!!:D
You got that right.:D
Today we have a high of 86 degrees, but it will drop to about 50 overnight.
I'll be in Ft. Wayne sometime in July when my granddaughter will deliver my first great-grandchild.