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Thread: Newbie Photographer

  1. #1
    New Member Palespyder's Avatar
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    Jason Lewis

    Newbie Photographer

    I have been drawing and painting both digital and old school for a few years, decided to try my hand at photography. So, I am here to learn as much as possible. Wanted to add a couple pictures I took awhile back, nothng spectacular but I like them.

    Should probably add, the below were taken with a PowerShot A2300, I have recently purchased a used Olympus Evolt E-510 and I am looking at getting started with DSLR.

    Newbie Photographer

    Newbie Photographer

    Newbie Photographer
    Last edited by Palespyder; 12th March 2013 at 07:59 PM.

  2. #2
    New Member Palespyder's Avatar
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    Jason Lewis

    Re: Newbie Photographer

    I now see I should have introduced myself in another forum, I claim being American as my handicap

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie Photographer

    Quote Originally Posted by Palespyder View Post
    I claim being American as my handicap
    That's okay Jason. You're forgiven!!

    A very warn welcome. I hope you enjoy being part of the CiC forum, as well as finding it informative and helpful.

    I notice you referred to a couple of images, but they don't appear in your post. It can be a but 'different' at first to link to images hosted in another place, but once you do get it, it's seems easy. For some help on that, have a read HERE.

  4. #4
    New Member Palespyder's Avatar
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    Jason Lewis

    Re: Newbie Photographer

    That is strange, they are showing up for me and is the link to one of them, when I goto that link in another browser it shows up.

    I went ahead and created an album and linked them from there.
    Last edited by Palespyder; 12th March 2013 at 07:59 PM.

  5. #5
    RustBeltRaw's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie Photographer

    Welcome, Jason.

    Your first image is my favorite. Catching the sunset mirrored on the sand is a nice change from seeing it mirrored on the water. Kudos for waiting until the sun was gone - that can stack the odds in your camera's favor. The colors are great, but I usually like to see lots of cloud detail in sunset shots. Just my opinion, but it's really hard to get a good sunset photo, and so many people try, your efforts may wind up lost in the torrent.

    Starting with a strong art background will help quite a bit in your early efforts. Most or all of the ways you're probably used to thinking about the aesthetics of an image apply to photos as well as paintings. That just leaves the technical side, which is easy!

    You'll find the CiC crew politely critical and extremely helpful. It's a pretty small crowd here, but they're top-notch.

  6. #6
    New Member Palespyder's Avatar
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    Jason Lewis

    Re: Newbie Photographer

    This was the sunrise which made it much easier to be patient But I am glad to be here, it seems from reading the other posts that people, while giving good criticism, are not downright mean about it. I have been lurking on a couple of other forums and some of the people on them are just cruel.

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