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Thread: What a great forum and friendly people

  1. #1

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    What a great forum and friendly people

    Hello All.
    I just want to say what a great forum this is, and such friendly and welcoming members......I've just started to take pictures other than the normal holiday type snaps.. I did join another forum (no names mentioned) and although most were helpfull when I announced that I had a bridge camera, I was told by a few in no uncertain terms that I should be in the compact section..................Then I found this forum what a difference I've posted a few pictures and had a lot of help and advice and even members showing me what can be done with the right software and expertise...................I look on here several times a day and always go too new thread and look at the photo's that have been posted these give me insperation of what to look for, like insects, flowers, etc:
    Just one plea could you please put type of camera and settings, obviously I'm interested in what results can be done with a Canon SX50 HS bridge camera.
    So once again THANKS to all.......I hope one day I might get enought knowledge to help others.


  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: What a great forum and friendly people

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogerp View Post
    Just one plea could you please put type of camera and settings, obviously I'm interested in what results can be done with a Canon SX50 HS bridge camera.
    Roger - I'm very glad that you're enjoying being part of CiC.

    On the question of seeing image EXIF data, we do keep encouraging people to put down the basic info.

    The other thing is - What web browser are you using. With Firefox you can download a plug-in (just search for EXIF Reader for Firefox) and then, on any image, right-click and choose, depending on which plug-in you choose, 'EFIf Data' or 'FxIF Data'.
    Last edited by Donald; 17th March 2013 at 10:48 AM.

  3. #3

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    Re: What a great forum and friendly people

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Roger - I'm very glad that you're enjoying being part of CiC.

    On the question of seeing image EXIF data, we do keep trying to encourage poeple to put down the basic info.

    The other thing is - What web browser are you using. With Firefox you can download a plug-in (just search for EXIF Reader for Firefox) and then, on any image, right-click and choose, depending on which plug-in you choose, 'EFIf Data' or 'FxIF Data'.
    Donald - I use Aol for browsing, always have done and probably continue to do so. But will have a look to see if they list anything.


  4. #4
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: What a great forum and friendly people

    and i thought bridges were for crossing rivers but you might seriously consider switching to firefox Rodger if you cant get the plugin for AOL even if only for doing Photog work, i find the plugin really useful.

  5. #5

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    Re: What a great forum and friendly people


    Some browsers are better than others for displaying the fine nuances of photos. I don't know about AOL's browser, but I do know that Internet Explorer and Google Chrome have bad reputations and that Firefox is a favorite of serious photographers. So, you now have another reason to consider converting to Firefox. The download and installation process took so little time -- only a few minutes -- that even my wife was surprised.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: What a great forum and friendly people

    Hi Roger...

    Welcome to the friendliest and (IMO) best digital photography website on the Internet.

    I am glad you have noticed that the people on this venue are helpful and are not overly critical. There is no such thing as a "dumb question" and no such answer as "Well, why don't you read your user manual, you dummy?"

    We have photographers of all skill levels and using all types of equipment from P&S to the highest grade DSLR cameras. Most of us are patient (because I would want someone to be patient regarding my questions) and most of us don't pontificate or look down at others who are using equipment less complex than what we are using!

    We also don't seem to have brand attacks "My Canon is better than your Nikon or my Pentax is better than your Nikon or Canon!"

    We do have professional disagreements but, they are handled in a friendly and constructive manner.

    I hope you will continue to enjoy and participate in Cambridge in Colour!

    BTW: There are many ways that one can post images on this forum. I personally enjoy linking to my images. It is simple (since I cannot walk and chew gum at the same time - I need simplicity) to upload images to and I think that the quality of the imagery posted is quite good.

    What a great forum and friendly people

    It also has an advantage of being cloud based (it was that even before the term began to be used) so I can access my imagery from any computer that has Internet access. I can also provide links to my public galleries (and keep some galleries private). Finally, being cloud based, smugmug is a secure place to maintain a library of photos which are secure against loss and can be used in a variety of ways. This really helped when a hard drive went down crashing a lot of my images...

    Here is a link to my smugmug galleries:

    I have some galleries such as this one that are not visible to the public but to which I can provide access to whomsoever I desire:

    Smugmug is not free to use but, IMO, the $60 U.S. Dollar yearly charge is well worth it...

  7. #7

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    Re: What a great forum and friendly people

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post

    Smugmug is not free to use but, IMO, the $60 U.S. Dollar yearly charge is well worth it...
    Richard, just out of curiosity, what are the advantages of using smugmug over using, say, Picasa, which is free, and gives a similar level of access control ? (I personally hate the Picasa face recognition feature, but you don't have to feed it..)

  8. #8

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    Re: What a great forum and friendly people

    A very simple way that I use to see basic Exif information is to right click on an image then select Properties. It doesn't always work, depending on the software used during editing, but the basics are often visible.

  9. #9

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    Re: What a great forum and friendly people

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    A very simple way that I use to see basic Exif information is to right click on an image then select Properties. It doesn't always work, depending on the software used during editing, but the basics are often visible.
    Tried that and so far nothing.................Will try EfIF reader.


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