Originally Posted by
Kenny: when I look at the image there are two knobs, one one the right hand side of the image which is a large knob with numbers on it and another smaller one on the left hand side of the image. I would guess that the knob on the left side of the image is the one that allows the head to spin 360 deg around the horizonal axis of the tripod that would allow you to do pans. The larger knob controls the pressure applied to the ball with the camera clamp allowing you to adjust the pitch and sideways roll of the camera and than lock it down so it does not move. If you back off the pressure way off you can rotate (spin) the camera 360 degs in the horional plane, however if you do not do this and try to spin the camera with out backing the pressure off the small knob you can likely lossen the head ballhead base from the tripod head thus the head as you say gets wobbly (done this myself and it will not be the last time).
I would suggest that you only use the use the main knob that holds the ball with the camera clamp to adjust the camera pitch and roll, the smaller knob to pan the camera to the right or left. Try not to pan using the ball only, pan by spinning the whole base.
I not not know how you have your camera setup on the tripod, however I will assume that you like myself are right handed. This is how I have mine setup. The knob to control swing is on the left so I use my left hand to loosen and tighten it, so my right hand controls the knob that adjusts pitch and roll. So I put attach the camera to the clamp, look through viewsscreen, left hand adjust swing knob, using right hand to swing unit, like it lock with left. Now use right to loosen right knob while using left had to steady camera now both hands adjust pitch and roll, steady with left while right hand tightens main knob to lock in place.
The thing to remember it to always swing the camera using the head not the just the ball, if you use the ball to swing you will loosen the lower unit from the top of the tripod.