Hi Gary,
I also have a massive problem with what you actually see on a monitor. At work I have a Samsung and an LG. At home I use another Samsung (same as at work) and my laptop is na Asus with LED backlit monitor. Three different screens, three different results on images.
I had images printed at a professional lab, on metallic paper, and adjusted my Samsung at home according to the printed images. What I see on the monitor at home is now much closer to what I see in printed images. That is what I want, my printed work to look like whatever I see on my monitor. I will rarely print my own work.
You can calibrate your monitor to your printer, if you then have images printed at a professional lab there might be a difference.
I am no monitor expert, what I have heard from the sound and vision guru's is that Panasonic is the best. Open an Asus monitor and you will probably find Panasonic inside, I have.