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Thread: Bordeaux Reflection

  1. #1
    eNo's Avatar
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    Bordeaux Reflection

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Bordeaux Reflection

    Interesting, what is the reflective surface?

    Polished ice (skating) rink?
    Water doesn't usually have joins in

    Nice exposure, and the white low clouds really make the shot, especially with their reflections.


  3. #3
    eNo's Avatar
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    Re: Bordeaux Reflection

    I believe it is granite, or some other type of polished stone, but water is involved. I'll be following up with a subsequent photo tomorrow where you can see the mist coming out of the round features that you see in the ground. The slits are for drainage. It's a very neat fountain, and though I didn't know it when we arrived in Bordeaux, a very popular photo spot. If it hadn't been for an American student we met by chance, we would have never gone there.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Bordeaux Reflection

    This is a really nice shot. I am surprising how many details you could retain in the reflection.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Bordeaux Reflection

    Quote Originally Posted by eNo View Post
    I believe it is granite, or some other type of polished stone, but water is involved. I'll be following up with a subsequent photo tomorrow where you can see the mist coming out of the round features that you see in the ground. The slits are for drainage. It's a very neat fountain, and though I didn't know it when we arrived in Bordeaux, a very popular photo spot. If it hadn't been for an American student we met by chance, we would have never gone there.
    Ah, wet, polished stone; no wonder it gives a good reflection - as Yan points out.

    Nice and flat, and the water is not deep enough water for ripples from wind to form, but I bet they have to filter the re-circulated water, or it would all gum up.

    Sadly, I find half the fountains in my country seem to be spoiled by some drunken joker putting washing up liquid in and creating loads of bubbles Sorta destroys the photo opp.


  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Bordeaux Reflection


    Another beauty. The large size version really makes an impressive image.

    What do you think about another slight sharpen, particularly along the bulldings? Or do you think that would be too much?

  7. #7
    eNo's Avatar
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    Re: Bordeaux Reflection

    Donald - I'm trying to be very conservative lately with my sharpening, as I've been known to go bonkers in the past. Perhaps I undershot this time. Thanks, everyone for your encouraging comments.
    Last edited by eNo; 15th November 2009 at 01:23 AM.

  8. #8
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Bordeaux Reflection

    Great shot!

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