Our cat chased a squirrel up our electric service pole and the Bluebirds nesting in the birdhouse objected to the squirrel's escape route. The cat was hiding behind a shrub at the bottom of the pole so there are not pics of her to complete the story but here's a few of what I got of the rest of it.
These are cropped quite a bit. Had the 400mm on the camera but I was still about 100 ft away. Shot on Shutter Priority at 1/1600, Auto ISO.
#1 If I were to take more time with this one, I might clone out the switch box. I didn't crop closer because I liked having the birdhouse in the picture.
#2 I did lighten up the shadows on the squirrel's head but didn't want to go to far. It's not the best angle so I didn't spend much time on this one, although I do like the spread of the bird's wings.
#3 This is my favorite. I cropped in pretty close to see the bird better but again wanted to leave the birdhouse to complete the story. There's actually squirrel hair flying above the bird.
#4 DOF on this one didn't really cover the bird and the squirrel has his eyes closed so without facial features it's less than optimal but still a fun shot.
#5 All the high speed continuous shots and not one has both birds or the female at all. Here they are resting between attacks while the squirrel is all the way to the top of the post hiding behind the transformer.