Dear friends
Please have a look at the canon EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens. and please comment on its usability. As many have asked me, I'm stating my approximate requirements and hope that will help to form some kind of conclusion and advice me on the lens and other doubts too..
1. I'm planning to shoot portraits, general walk around snaps, scenaries when I go travelling (such as sprawling grass lands, beaches and mountains and line of buildings and so on), pets(varying shapes and sizes), functions such as weddings(and other ceremonies, but not as a professional and not as paid work).
2. Further, on the tele photo end(in my view, shooting subjects that remain at a distance, some times in motion too, with more clarity and so on), Imagine a horse grazing about 25 - 30 meters away, will it be able to shoot(with the above mentioned lens) with a very good back ground blur and the horse showing good detail, and will it be possible to have more details of the back ground in the snap (less blur for the objects). further, how much will we be able to zoom in on the horse and how much detail can be reproduced. All on the basis of this lens mentioned above. If not all the above requirements of photography are met with, how much will be possible with this lens.(Please explain some thing based on the example below by which I can form a clearer idea)
3.Further, if this lens is not at the suitable one, which other lens of average cost and good specifications for the cost, be the suitable one. ie, which will suit the above needs if not fully, but at least completely with compromises.
4.In your opinion, what all things can be done with this above mentioned lens.
Hope I'm not annoying any of the members posting stupid questions and threads like this. If so I apologize in advance . But being an amateur in the area, I think, its better to learn from the experience of all who have more experiences than me.
Many thanks