Here are some the shorebird images from my archive I have processed during last week. Would like to hear on composition/exposure/post-processing. Any suggestion for improvement are most welcome.
1. Pied Avocet (Handheld shot in Av mode @ f/8, 1/500, ISO 100; spot metering, PP in ACR/CS5)
2. Black-winged Stilt (Handheld shot in Tv mode @ f/6.3, 1/500, ISO 100; spot metering, PP in ACR/CS5)
3. Marsh Sandpiper (Handheld shot in Av mode @ f/8, 1/400, ISO 160; spot metering, PP in ACR/CS5)
4. Red Shank with Black-tailed Godwit (Handheld shot in Av mode @ f/8, 1/400, ISO 160; spot metering, PP in ACR/CS5)