Hello, I found this site while doing some research into noise and low light sensor properties and the tutorials here had just the sort of information I was looking for.
Very nice to find it's a UK based site as well though I don't suppose that's all that important these days.
I'm an old school photographer from the "wet" days of film and chemistry and I think after a few years of digital working I'm just starting to get to grips with this new medium and understand it like I did in the darkroom.
I mostly produce landscape images these days but I've experimented with lots of different things in the past.
At the moment I'm looking to expand my photographic horizons by turning to the Dark Side
I figure just about every landscape in the UK has already been photographed so many times that the only way to produce something really different is to go out when the sun goes down.
I'm sure to stumble a few times along the way but this looks like the sort of place I could find answers if I trip up.