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Thread: Nik plugins - major price drop

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Nik plugins - major price drop

    The package that formerly sold for $500 is now going for $149.

    This is one heck of a bargain!

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    What's this about? Is this a genuine 'sale' or is it the precursor to something, now that Nik is firmly embedded as part of the Google business empire?

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    You might fine this an interesting read.

    Those of us that paid full price can weep...

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    EDIT: MANFRED - Our posts have crossed. See the last paragraph below (in bold)

    Sorry, but this has intrigued me. So I had to go and start searching for news. On this site I found

    "When Google acquired Snapseed developer Nik Software back in September 2012, they made it clear that the mobile photo sharing app wouldn’t be going anywhere.

    In fact, Google later released a brand new, free Android version of Snapseed and made the existing iOS download completely free.
    In its latest ‘spring cleaning’ effort, however, Google stopped selling and providing updates for Snapseed Desktop for Mac and Windows.

    But those who were worried about Nik Software’s other tools for photographers were reassured not long after the acquisition, by Google’s Senior Vice President of Engineering Vic Gundotra, that other products would not be discontinued.

    Nik Software had been around for 17 years and offered a wide range of products for professional and amateur photographers.
    Google has stayed true to its word for the non-Snapseed products though. Today, former Nik Software engineer Christian Pesch announced – by way of Google+ – that the company has bundled the complete set of Nik plug-ins and rebranded it as the ‘Nik Collection by Google’.

    Furthermore, the entire set of plug-ins for Photoshop, Lightroom and Aperture now only costs $149, down from $499 before.

    In addition, the Google+ Photos team has added a 15-day free trial of the Nik Collection, enabling anyone to give the tools for everything from noise reduction to creative effects and image sharpening a whirl free of charge.

    For those who had already purchased one or more Nik plug-ins in the past, Google also has some good news: the company will be upgrading existing customers to the entire Nik Collection by Google for free." (My emphasis)
    Last edited by Donald; 25th March 2013 at 03:23 PM.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Now what I want to know is where I go to get the whole package for free given that I have bought one of them within the last 5 years?

  6. #6
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    i only got it last year so now im excited that i get both plugins instead of just the LR ones!! im googling now... but hoping it will update itself automatically

    ran software asked it to update and no cigar

    found this:
    Last edited by Mark von Kanel; 25th March 2013 at 03:39 PM.

  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Re the 'How do I get the package that's on offer' question ....................

    I see that Google's Christian Pesch has posted, "If you've already purchased one or more Nik plug-ins in the past, then don't worry, we've got you covered. In fact: we're going to upgrade you to the entire Nik Collection by Google for free. Just keep an eye out for emailed instructions in the next few days."

  8. #8
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    well i hope they get round to it Donald, i hadnt actually registered the products with them but i have done so now, i re installed them all just in case but that didnt help. so ill just have to wait!! and i DONT DO WAITING!!!

  9. #9
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Bugger (for me, I just bought them) but a nice Easter egg for anyone thinking of buying. I guess we just have to wait and see how the future unfolds. "Do no evil"?

  10. #10
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Well, knock me down with anything you like.

    I've just received an email from Nik by Google, saying that they are going to refund me $150 because I had bought the collection within the last thirty days

    (Removes cynical hat and smirk)


  11. #11
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark von Kanel View Post
    well i hope they get round to it Donald, i hadnt actually registered the products with them but i have done so now, i re installed them all just in case but that didnt help. so ill just have to wait!! and i DONT DO WAITING!!!
    I'd be reasonably confident that they'll get to you. It was the same when they launched SEP2 and people got a free upgrade if they'd purchased the original within the last X months. They 'did' the US first, I think, before they started on Europe. So all these Yanks were telling us how great SEP2 was whilst we were still twiddling our thumbs with the original SEP!!

    Or of they do it alphabetically by surname, I assume you'll be near the end of the queue.

  12. #12

    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    I just received the email and downloaded it already. Now I just have to try them out. It does not get any better than this (Free software upgrades).

  13. #13
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    What's this about? Is this a genuine 'sale' or is it the precursor to something, now that Nik is firmly embedded as part of the Google business empire?
    My first reaction was "it's a fire sale" - as in when a business is going out of business and closing its doors. Everything is sold at huge discounts.

    In spite of this, I just bought the package (20 minutes ago). It won't stop working even if Google stops supporting it (I have copies on two HDDs, plus on a stick).

    From another forum: Looks like you can use a coupon code, BEDGE or DZISER for example, for an additional 15% off.

    I used BEDGE, and my price went down to $126.65 CAD.


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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn NK View Post
    My first reaction was "it's a fire sale" - as in when a business is going out of business and closing its doors. Everything is sold at huge discounts.

    In spite of this, I just bought the package (20 minutes ago). It won't stop working even if Google stops supporting it (I have copies on two HDDs, plus on a stick).

    From another forum: Looks like you can use a coupon code, BEDGE or DZISER for example, for an additional 15% off.

    I used BEDGE, and my price went down to $126.65 CAD.

    Beat me to it I used DZISER and got the same discount, happy chappy

  15. #15

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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Free upgrade - whoo-hooo!!!
    I had problems with the original version (bought around a year ago) where it recognised it as a trial version and kept asking me to pay for it (pain). Never got around to fixing it - now I don't have to.

    Okay, download complete. Installation (into both LR2 and PSE10) complete.

    Now, urm, err, ....... what do I do with it?
    I know there are tonnes of youtube videos (haven't searched, just know there have to be) recommendations please. I have high regard for the experience on this site, so I listen more than some other sites.
    I also like to read, so hardcopy recommendation also welcome.

    (hey, nice picture, you must have some awesome software ).

  16. #16

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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Thanks for this, Manfred. I think I'm going to bite the bullet and buy this. Too good to pass up.


  17. #17
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Quote Originally Posted by GrahamH View Post
    Now, urm, err, ....... what do I do with it?
    I know there are tonnes of youtube videos .

  18. #18

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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Thanks Donald, lots to view. See you in a couple of months.
    brain overload

  19. #19
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    I too took the bait. About $126 with coupon code. Some learning curve here but I feel good about the purchase. I bought Nik many years ago but lapsed updating and, so, my older Nik plugins have been unusable for years. Now I have it all! Its all mine! ALL OF IT! Mine! Mine!! (pardon a little carried away there).

  20. #20
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Nik plugins - major price drop

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    Well, knock me down with anything you like.

    I've just received an email from Nik by Google, saying that they are going to refund me $150 because I had bought the collection within the last thirty days

    (Removes cynical hat and smirk)

    Unfortunately for me, I bought the whole kit just outside the refund window (i.e. one week too early). I will do a follow up with Google when I get a chance.

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