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Thread: New Subjects

  1. #1
    jstp's Avatar
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    New Subjects


    It has been a while since I have posted anything so I thought I would post some examples of latest subject, marbles. Also I would like to share that I have a photo that was selected as a finalist in the Macquarie Photography Prize, in the macro section. The final decision is made this Saturday. I am just so happy to have a photo that was deemed good enough. I have included that photo as well, it will be the last one.



    New Subjects

    New Subjects

    New Subjects

    New Subjects

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: New Subjects

    Very nice, Jason. Though all of them are colorful, it's understandable why the last one was selected as a finalist.

    What is the lighting setup that you used to photograph the marbles?

  3. #3
    Harpo's Avatar
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    Re: New Subjects

    Agreed. Nice set. I can see 2 & 3, even 4 in a framed print as an abstract on a wall somewhere. The first image I think I would try again- the main marble itself presents some good options, its the marble in the background to your right that has some distracting features- looks like the blues are glowing off.

    Its interesting to look at being very different from what you would normally see. Were they placed on a glass table with lights underneath? Like Mike above, Im curious about your set up.

  4. #4

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    Re: New Subjects

    Great work on these. All beautiful shots.

    Congrats on the finalist image. It should do well imho.

  5. #5
    Walj's Avatar
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    Re: New Subjects

    Love them all especially the last one is my vote.

  6. #6
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: New Subjects

    Great work Jason, very interesting and colourful. You've managed the light really well. Congrats on your finals selection. Let us know how you get on.


  7. #7

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    Re: New Subjects

    Jason, all very nice. First one looks like a picture of a sun.


  8. #8
    jstp's Avatar
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    Re: New Subjects

    Thank you all for your comments and feedback.

    The set up for the marble shots in 2 and 3 was the marble on a piece of glass sitting on a old bread box and lit from underneath with a set of lights that changed colour at intervals but are not really bright. The first photo was one of my first tries and that one is set up on a piece of cardboard covered in foil with a hole in it and a white light underneath.
    My aim is to try to set up a scene like the sun and planets using marbles, I am still on the hunt to get together all the bits and pieces that I think I will need to make that work. I of course have been distracted from this as various other ideas came into my head.



  9. #9

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    Re: New Subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by jstp View Post
    a piece of cardboard covered in foil with a hole in it and a white light underneath.
    I wondered what created the nice texture and would never have guessed that setup. Now that you explain it, it makes such perfect sense; the foil is reflective, inexpensive and easy to make a hole in it. I have added that to my list of ideas to consider in the future. Thanks for sharing it!

    I didn't mention it before, but consider cropping the second and third photos to eliminate the bottom of the reflections.

  10. #10

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    Re: New Subjects

    Marbles - what a great idea. The first one reminds of a planet about to explode - as seen in various sci-fi moves.

    I really like the last one, and hope it does well in the comp. Good luck with it, Jason

  11. #11
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    Re: New Subjects

    I agree, very nice Jason and very unique. 2nd one is my favorite. Interesting set up. you have got me thinking.

  12. #12
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: New Subjects

    Nice work, Jason. Great color. I may be a little extra pleased to see these....being an antique and vintage marble collector. Even these newer ones make great subjects.

  13. #13
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: New Subjects

    Hi Jason,

    Nice series - and a great 'sun' in #1.

    Quote Originally Posted by jstp View Post
    My aim is to try to set up a scene like the sun and planets using marbles, I am still on the hunt to get together all the bits and pieces that I think I will need to make that work.
    I think for that you may need to place them on thick, matt black card (with the light hole in) to kill the reflection. Depending what angle you are shooting the solar system at, you may need to shoot each 'planet' individually and combine in an image editor to get them all sharp - I guess it would be a kind of focus stack if you laid them all out to get the overall scales looking right in viewfinder, with relative sizes, etc. - or just shoot them all a standard way and do all that in the edit.

    Good luck with that project, I look forward to seeing the results.

  14. #14
    jstp's Avatar
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    Re: New Subjects

    Hi again,

    Just an update on how my photo went in the final, unfortunately I did not place anywhere but to have been selected as a finalist is more than enough for me.

    I think for that you may need to place them on thick, matt black card (with the light hole in) to kill the reflection. Depending what angle you are shooting the solar system at, you may need to shoot each 'planet' individually and combine in an image editor to get them all sharp - I guess it would be a kind of focus stack if you laid them all out to get the overall scales looking right in viewfinder, with relative sizes, etc. - or just shoot them all a standard way and do all that in the edit.
    Thank you for that Dave, I did not even think about photo stacking, that answers one of my questions I was asking myself about how to get it all in focus



  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: New Subjects

    No worries - your idea got me thinking "how would I do that?"

    I'm still perplexed as to how you stop them rolling in all directions on glass though

  16. #16

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    Re: New Subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I'm still perplexed as to how you stop them rolling in all directions on glass though
    I have that exact problem when photographing my wine bottles laid on their side. When I get the exact position of the wine bottle as I want it, that's also when I realize that the bottle is made inaccurately enough that it rolls away. Bummer!

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