What a nice find #3 & #4 are my favorites.
Love this series Joe . I really like the composition in all, and the pose in 3 kinda stands out to me. For the alert adult look .
So cool. It's that time of season.
Keep up the progress shots.
Nice captures, Joe. I particularly like #2 - the adult looks like it is smiling.
Very nice, Joe!
Nice set of images, Joe. Number 1 is the strongest, IMO. Thanks for sharing.
They are all great. I like number 3 the best. They're all keeping an eye out. Probably for Dad coming home with dinner.
Beautiful, and my herons are so sad looking in comparison.. Thank you for sharing. One day I'll get there.
I love them all. How did you manage to get so close? Camera settings please. Thank you.
Just really great - beautifully lit, almost to the point of looking as though in a studio. Picking a favorite impossible for me.
Hello Christina, thank you for viewing and commenting. Here is a website that will give you the EXIF data for most images. Right click on the image in a thread ( not in Lytebox ), from the menu click on Copy Shortcut. Open the EXIF viewer and paste the shortcut in the box that says Image URL. Then click View Image at URL, that will list all the data. This will show you more than you want to know... what you are looking for will be towards the bottom.
Last edited by jprzybyla; 30th March 2013 at 11:31 PM.