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Thread: Some Flowers

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Johannesburg,South Africa
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    Tobias Weber

    Some Flowers

    Just playing with a really shallow DoF, thought the results were kinda fun, what do you think?

    Some Flowers
    Flowers3 copy by Tobias Weber, on Flickr

    Some Flowers
    Flowers2 copy by Tobias Weber, on Flickr

    Some Flowers
    Flowers1 copy by Tobias Weber, on Flickr

  2. #2
    Andrew76's Avatar
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    Re: Some Flowers

    Hi Tobias. Interesting experiment/concept. I think I would have liked it better if there was a 'definite' focus point. In most of these, the entire image seems soft.

    There seems to be another effect. The purple has lost all detail. I wonder if it's from some post processing, or just from having such a shallow depth of field?

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    I live a stone's throw away from Cuyahoga National Park (NE, Ohio)..

    Re: Some Flowers

    Tobias, really like the first photograph. It's an interesting flower shot.


  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Tobias Weber

    Re: Some Flowers

    Hi Andrew, I was actually trying to make the image over soft to create a slight dreamy effect. Getting one central focus point was tricky because it was just a pot of really small purple flowers.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Some Flowers

    Hi Tobias,

    Of these, I prefer #2, mainly because of the composition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew76 View Post
    There seems to be another effect. The purple has lost all detail. I wonder if it's from some post processing, or just from having such a shallow depth of field?
    Hi Andrew,

    It is likely because the blue channel is blown (over exposed) - check the blue channel histogram and you'll see a line of pixels climbing the right hand side (in 1 and 3 only, 2 looks OK).


    When shooting really saturated flowers like these, you need to review the RGB histogram in camera at time of shooting (assuming it has one) - the luminance histogram will give grossly misleading results because it judges blue as only about 10% 'important', compared to green being 60% 'important' and red 30% 'important'.

    You can see the effect on blue here:

    Some Flowers

    Some Flowers


  6. #6
    Andrew76's Avatar
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    Re: Some Flowers

    Thanks Dave, that's what I expected, but it seems I've been saying that a lot lately. I didn't want to sound like a broken record.

    Tobias, I still like the shots, and they're a great subject too - don't get me wrong, just not how I would have approached it. I think you've achieved what you were looking for. For that, well done!

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Johannesburg,South Africa
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    Tobias Weber

    Re: Some Flowers

    Yeah I actually threw the luminance dial off the charts, I think thats what has lead to the softness. I didn't really achieve the affect I was looking for but I still think they look quite interesting.

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