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Thread: Lost the mirror...

  1. #1
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Lost the mirror...

    Well, I have lost the mirror. I have not given up on my original thoughts, but when you drop an 1851 Confederate Navy Revolver on a mirror, the mirror will lose every time. So, until I find a new mirror, I decided to use a Jaguar pelt that I have had since I was a little kid.

    I am not really sold on these, but I can't figure out why yet.

    C&C most welcomed,

    1.Lost the mirror...

    2.Lost the mirror...

    Same as above only converted to B&W(hello MR. Obvious)
    3.Lost the mirror...

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Lost the mirror...

    I like the first one because of the juxtaposition of the gun and the game that might have been hunted with it. I also like the lighting.

    For me, the second composition cries out for having a sharp focus on the near end of the barrel, not the far end of the gun.

    Sorry to learn about the mirror. Black acrylic is more forgiving.

  3. #3

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    I live a stone's throw away from Cuyahoga National Park (NE, Ohio)..

    Re: Lost the mirror...

    Jon, I think this is such a beautiful weapon that if I was going to take a picture of it I would create a setup that maximized its beauty.


  4. #4
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Lost the mirror...

    Hey Jon!

    I was hoping I’d see this piece again! It is a gorgeous pistol.

    Since you shot this in a controlled environment, what would you think about in the first shot, easing off the leopard hide brightness and contrast to bring out the pistol more? The pistol looks great with the contrast and lighting to me, Jon. Hey, uh, would it be something to think about to dodge or lighten the barrel towards the end to get it a little more exposed?

    #2? To me that is your shot! And the color version rocks! I like the focal point. I like the lighting. I like the DoF. Very nice, Jon

    If you are looking for thoughts on it, may I offer this to you, Jon?

    The rectangular spectral on the cylinder? Maybe try losing that and see how you like it. If you don’t, just bring it back!

    The main suggestion I would offer is to see if you could bring the bore of the barrel back into play.

    A beautiful octagon barrel, as we are looking down the bidness end of this piece, would be nicely offset by the round bore rather than lost in black. Not a lot necessarily, but just enough to give the hint that it is there?

    Do you fire this pistol, Jon?

    It is very clean.

  5. #5
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Re: Lost the mirror...

    Mike, Karm and Terry, Thanks for your comments. I will continue to try different things with this piece.

    Terry, Yes I really do shoot this pistol on average about twice a month. This pistol has around 1400 rounds through it. What good is a pistol if you cannot go out and make it go BOOM?? This is a really fun piece to shoot (in more ways than one) but it is very time consuming to clean properly(black powder is very dirty).

  6. #6
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Lost the mirror...

    That’s not really a lot of rounds, Jon!

    But I hear you knockin’!

    To answer your question it is no good whatsoever!

    I bet it’s a blast to shoot (pun intended!), but I’ll say, you are thorough cleaning the powder residue!

    This baby sparkles!

  7. #7
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Re: Lost the mirror...

    One more before I say Good night...

    Lost the mirror...

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