For the CiC members familiar with my roller derby photography, it will probably come as no surprise that I've started learning to skate. And, like most derby skaters, I've quickly become attached to my wheelie boots.So, for a lark, I grabbed my skates and photo bag, strolled down to a torn-up rail line (the Dequindre Cut) near downtown Detroit (a favorite haunt for some world-class graffiti artists), and found a mural which complemented my skates. Thirty minutes of fooling around with two remotes, gels, and diffusers gave me this:
ISO160, 1/40s, f16. Canon 60D with 20mm f2.8. Lights are two Canon 580EX IIs, one gelled green, on the ground, no diffuer, head zoomed to 105mm and aimed 45deg up with a flag (some bricks and boards I found) to keep green light off the ground. Second light is gelled 1/2 CTB (shot in the shade around 6,200K), firing into a Rogue Flashbender bent into a U shape to concentrate the light along the skates.
PP included burning the foreground under the skates, mildly dodging the highlights on the boots' sides, increasing saturation (+8 in ACR), and sharpening. C&C encouraged!