Hi all,
Usually I am standing on the edge of the water and wanting to get closer. When I do so, the birds fly away.
So, donning old trousers (hot day, didn't want to burn) and sandals, out I ventured - with some trepidation I must admit. Salt water and electronics don't mix too well. Nevertheless, water was shallow, I moved with some care and everything turned out well.
Being on the water side the birds seems content to let me get closer, much to my advantage.
Plus a couple of landscapes as tide was low and some rocks were revealed. Often kneeling down (water is very shallow for a hundred yards offshore, not even past knees at low tide)
C&C always welcome.
Tricoloured heron - been trying to get some decent shots for a while, very happy to get these. I was there for a long time and he/she was quite content to stay there (min distance prob around 25')
Fishing and environmental (amongst the mangroves)
Terns - bathing beauties
Tri-coloured Heron - Fishing
In the Mangroves
Landscape from the sea side