I was inspired by (or should that read envious of ?) all the fantastic bird shots that I see on an almost daily basis here on CIC
I immediatley discovered how much harder it was than I had realised.
I also discovered that there are fewer birds about when you are all prepared with a fancy 200mm lens than when you take a walk with your P&S !
Both these shots needed to be heavily cropped and upon closer investigation clearly needed sharpening, the latter I found very difficult to achieve well and I realise that a much lighter hand on the focus ring is needed at the point of capture, but you can only work with what you've got at the end of the day, as they say.
I thought some of you more experienced birders might be able to offer some advice/ critique and I hoped that some of the less experienced ones (like myself) might be tempted to go out and do better (that's a challenge by the way !)
Thanks for viewing