Way back here, I explained the circumstances whereby we came to be the full-time carers of my dad's 3 year-old Border Collie.
Well, time has gone on since January and we've been attending training classes on a weekly basis. The trainer also also runs agility classes and she's encouraged us to take Garry along. We went last week to observe and today we started for real.
So, as my dearly beloved (let's call her Sheila) took the lead training role, I, with the permission of the trainer and the other owners, started to teach myself a completely new (for me) aspect of photography. Not the slow measured pace of the landscape photographer, but the all-action environment of the event tog.
I and my trusty Canon 40D were places we've never been before - Shutter Priority (Tv), Auto ISO, Evaluative (Matrix) Metering, High-Speed shooting. Oh, it was all very strange!
The first attempts are, I think, reasonable. Got 12 out of 232 that were, for me, at least worthy of not dumping.
I don't think I am in a rut doing landscape. I love it and there is so much more to do. However, I've been feeling a bit like a one-trick pony in that that is all I seem to do. So, I'm needing to expand my horizons and prove (to myself) that I can do other things. And who knows - all these dog owners might want to pay to get nice prints of their doggies jumping over things!!
So here is a selection from my first attempt. Any thoughts suggestions will be very welcome.