For me, the close crop works better.
Particularly, the patch of bare arm near the edge is a little distracting and the crop removes it without harming the composition.
I would try shifting the whole image to the left. Make the gap from the edge to the hand the same as that at the top edge to head. Keep the aspect ratio: this way the model will be looking into rather than out of the image. As always cropping is very subjective. Nice image anyway. Howard
The second one.
2nd one for me. I might even try 1:1, which I often like for portraits. Leaving space "to look into" has never made a lot of sense to me unless the context requires some additional info worthy of sharing. I think your space on the left manages that admirably.
Yes, definitely number 2. And thanks for keeping the top of her head on. It's probably just me, but I don't much like the fashion for "top slicing".
You wrote 'Original Crop' Zach. But is that actually a crop or the original image size?
Yes, I agree that losing the tiny patch of bare arm is an improvement; but it now means that she is rather too close to the right side when she is also looking to the right, as Howard mentioned. So I wonder if there are any other alternatives to be considered here.
By original crop, I ment the original image, sorry it was late and I was tired hahaha, Thanks for the suggestions and opinions guys!
Second version for me too Zach,
Yes she is (even more so) 'looking out of frame', but it is worth it.
Perhaps a version where her gaze is directed at you (us) is possible?
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel it is about 1/2 stop too bright (on the skin tones especially)?
Lovely lady though.
That may well be a monitor calibration issue.
It's certainly rather bright on my monitor, which is regularly calibrated, but many people do not calibrate their monitors so it is very difficult to know how it will appear on theirs.
John's version looks about right to me.
I guess I should calibrate my monitor because John's version looks underexposed and green. Hmmm
Crop 2 is stronger to my eyes. Wayland hit the nail on the head with his comment about the distracting bit of arm near the bottom of the frame.
Nice natural shot, Zach. I don't mind your current second crop, but would like to see more of her left arm if possible. Do you have a similar vertical shot? The missing arm due to the crop throws me off.