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Thread: Night time pics. May I have C&C?

  1. #1
    Gospelflier's Avatar
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    Night time pics. May I have C&C?

    OK I am posting some night time pics all taken on the same night during a full moon. I would like some feedback. Please note these pics are all direct from my camera. I am working on getting a new computer and LR 4 over the next two weeks. (Currently I have a 5 year old laptop and no PP software.)


    Night time pics. May I have C&C?
    "Midnight Ride" A passing car created this image.

    Night time pics. May I have C&C?
    "Train" As I stood on the side of the road, a train went by.

    Night time pics. May I have C&C?
    Photo of Ponderay Shores Resort

    Night time pics. May I have C&C?
    "Bad Moon over Lightning Creek" Photo of the moon reflecting on the water.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Night time pics. May I have C&C?

    Can't really critique the first two as you were obviously experimenting, but the light trails were caused by using a slow shutter speed. The light changed direction because you were probably handholding the camera and camera shake occurs when you hold for a very long time. Did you take note of your camera settings when you shot the first two? I'll let others comment on the other two.

  3. #3
    Gospelflier's Avatar
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    Re: Night time pics. May I have C&C?

    I actually was using a tripod on all the pictures, but had to move the camera quickly to get into position for the first two, so it may have not been totally 'grounded'. I did use a slow shutter speed.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Night time pics. May I have C&C?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gospelflier View Post
    I actually was using a tripod on all the pictures, but had to move the camera quickly to get into position for the first two, so it may have not been totally 'grounded'. I did use a slow shutter speed.
    Well that explains the re-direction of the light trails.

  5. #5

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    Re: Night time pics. May I have C&C?

    I think you need to have 'more' in the photo than you have in the first and a suggestion of it in the second. I just had time to rest my camera on a gateway post [ stone] and maybe I chose a long shutter speed, else the camera did it for me. A certain amount of PP but nothing that couldn't be done on a 5yo computer running W2K or XP with the free download Paint.Net which I use from time to time to satisfy myself it will do the work I claim
    Night time pics. May I have C&C?
    A shot pulled from my files which I did nothing with except a crop from each side which also illustrates my point that these records of lights need 'more' .
    Night time pics. May I have C&C?
    Both taken with my Nikon bridge camera Coolpix 5700 some years back. In the second I am sure I selected a longer shutter speed but left the rest up to the camera to work out.
    EDIT PS.. I am still using XP becuase I don't like where MS have gone with subsequent versions though I did get a new computer a couple of years ago.
    Last edited by jcuknz; 9th April 2013 at 10:10 PM.

  6. #6

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    Re: Night time pics. May I have C&C?

    The forth shot illustrates the problem we all have with including the light source, be it moon, sun or lights in the scene we are shooting... I have yet to try it but I gather shooting several frames [ bracketing] and combining them with an HDR programme can be the answer to cover the wide range of tones without the lightsource being a white blob, and the reflection of it in the water.
    3rd and 4th suggest you need a steadier tripod, not using the centre column for these longeer exposures could help and perhaps using the 10 second delay so that you press the camera triggeer and leave the camera untouched to do its job ... though beware of traffic vibration shaking the ground in some situations.

  7. #7
    Rhoads238's Avatar
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    Re: Night time pics. May I have C&C?

    I actually really like the first two pictures. For me the first is better. It makes me think of a fast car racing around on the streets late at night. In the second photo I wish the lights continued all the way through the frame. This would be easily possible in pp. have a play with it when you get your new computer. I think an HDR shot of the last photo could be amazing. I'm not much into HDR but it looks like it could have been a wonderful candidate.

  8. #8
    New Member akurcan's Avatar
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    Re: Night time pics. May I have C&C?

    I really like the concepts on all of these. Might I suggest allowing the background to burn in a little more? Use blub mode with a release, generally 1-2 min @ f8 @ ISO 100 in conditions like this. Weigh the tripod down, and be very, very, very careful of bumping the camera (a cable release helps TONS). Eventually you may find ND filters to allow you to experiment with longer exposures, deeper depth of fields, and opens the door to more creativity. Bravo, tho - keep sharing!

  9. #9
    Gospelflier's Avatar
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    Re: Night time pics. May I have C&C?

    Andrew: Thanks for your help. All the things you mentioned are on my list to buy: ND filter, cable release. I have a tripod but I don't really like it. So I am going to look for a better one.

    Thanks to the rest of you for the feedback.

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