Hi Christina,
I'm only using PSE9 and basically opened it into 'Camera raw' editor.
I then adjusted the 'Recovery' to 30, added some 'Fill light' and then adjusted ;Clarity' to 75.
Hi John,
Thank you for sharing.. the 130% sharpening takes me by surprise but good to know how far one can push things.
Sorry, about the pink. I fixed that setting in LR and reedited for one last time, before I saw your edit so the edit I'm about to post likely be a little sharper.
Yes, this edit looks better on my screen.
I then opened in PSE9 and sharpened just the swan, @ 130%
I have now selected just the swan and removed the saturation level to zero on the body, and minus 50 on the head.
Does this look any better on your screen?
Kind regards