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Thread: Ironfest - Medieval festival

  1. #1

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    Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Hi all - I travelled to Lithgow NSW last week(about 2hrs out of Sydney) for their annual Ironfest - a medieval festival with lots to see and do - will post more pics over the coming weeks - these 3 were taken without continuous shooting - got lucky with number 3! -best viewed at full size. all at 1/320, first 2 at av 7.1, 3rd at 6.3 - all ISO 100 - C @ C welcome

    1.Ironfest - Medieval festival

    2.Ironfest - Medieval festival

    3.Ironfest - Medieval festival

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Great capture... This activity could result in a splitting headache!

  3. #3
    Ken Curtis's Avatar
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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Hi Harry.

    There is a lot in the top two photos that is distracting or does not contribute to the sense of action. You might want to consider cropping each closer to show more of the action and emotion. Here are a couple samples.

    Ironfest - Medieval festival Ironfest - Medieval festival
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #4

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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Great capture... This activity could result in a splitting headache!
    Lol thanks Richard, it was hard keeping the camera still as he came in with that sword!

  5. #5

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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Thanks Ken, I will tighten up the crops, your second crop is way too severe for my liking, I can clean up the distractions in pp which I haven't done yet

  6. #6

    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    These shots capture both the intensity and accuracy of the rider perfectly. Particularly like the third shot with the split rock melon. Very interesting composition and different. I disagree with the other comment and wouldn't crop it, I rather like a few "distractions", adds to the atmosphere and action. Considering you have not used a continuous shutter, you have done very well. Looking forward to seeing the other ones

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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Thanks Angela, the rider was impressed when I showed him the shots and have since emailed to him - he was very pleased as he said he doesnt get many shots of his action. - I have done some further post processing to have another version without the "distractions" and I didn't need to crop any further - thanks for looking


  8. #8
    RustBeltRaw's Avatar
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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    It looks like you were in fairly bright sunlight, but the action isn't quite frozen (or the tip of the horseman's sword is outside your near DoF in shot 3). What were your exposure settings?

    If high-speed shutter drive was off, then congrats on your timing. Number three is great, but would have been just a bit better if the horseman's sword was a little closer to the melon. Love the bits of flying fruit. In the PP department, see if you like it with a little fill light added.

    If you have enough room, I'd actually go a tad wider on the crop for number 3. Cutting off the horseman's foot looks a little awkward to me. But your timing and the drama are both great!

    Quote Originally Posted by rcprowe
    This activity could result in a splitting headache!
    Split heads do ache.

  9. #9
    cliffmccartney's Avatar
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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    These shots are great. I love the look on the rider's face in #1 and #2.

    #3 is great on lots of levels - the intensity on the rider's face, the hands over the face of the guy standing (like that would stop that sword), and the split melon - just great.

    I agree with Lex about widening the crop on #3. Cutting off the rider's foot bothers me a little.

    This is a nit, but I think I'd try to clone out red pole, the orange fence, and the signs. They are just a little incongruous and distracting to me.

    Great job!

  10. #10
    splashy's Avatar
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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Very nice pictures, nr 3 is special indeed.
    If you consider the speed 320th with a focal of 250 you did excellent especially with a horseman and sword galloping to you .

  11. #11

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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Quote Originally Posted by RustBeltRaw View Post
    It looks like you were in fairly bright sunlight, but the action isn't quite frozen (or the tip of the horseman's sword is outside your near DoF in shot 3). What were your exposure settings?

    Thanks Lex - yes unfortunately in middle of day, exposure was only -1/3

    If high-speed shutter drive was off, then congrats on your timing. Number three is great, but would have been just a bit better if the horseman's sword was a little closer to the melon. Love the bits of flying fruit. In the PP department, see if you like it with a little fill light added. - thnx will try

    If you have enough room, I'd actually go a tad wider on the crop for number 3. Cutting off the horseman's foot looks a little awkward to me. But your timing and the drama are both great!

    Thanks Lex - unfortunately i didnt crop the foot to recover - i had a crowd in front of me and compensated a bit much for the moving heads etc - in hindsight I should have included them and cut them out later - live and learn - thanks for your comments, cheers

    Split heads do ache.

  12. #12

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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Quote Originally Posted by cliffmccartney View Post
    These shots are great. I love the look on the rider's face in #1 and #2.

    #3 is great on lots of levels - the intensity on the rider's face, the hands over the face of the guy standing (like that would stop that sword), and the split melon - just great.

    I agree with Lex about widening the crop on #3. Cutting off the rider's foot bothers me a little.

    This is a nit, but I think I'd try to clone out red pole, the orange fence, and the signs. They are just a little incongruous and distracting to me.

    Great job!
    Thanks Cliff -as mentioned to Lex unfortunately I didnt crop them to recover - I had to move to keep the crowd out - will post the edits I did taking on board your suggestions - thanks for viewing and commenting


  13. #13

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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Having trouble with the upload for some reason, even when going advanced - was same last night - anyone else having problems?

  14. #14
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Allen or "Lurchy" is fine

    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Unfortiantly i was at work(in Lithgow) during Saturday and Sunday was way too tired to go to ironfest, i always loved to go, wish i did so i can take some photos to.

  15. #15

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    Re: Ironfest - Medieval festival

    Quote Originally Posted by allenlennon View Post
    Unfortiantly i was at work(in Lithgow) during Saturday and Sunday was way too tired to go to ironfest, i always loved to go, wish i did so i can take some photos to.
    It was a great day Allen

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