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Thread: When do you upgrade your software?

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    When do you upgrade your software?

    Prompted by another thread. Hope it's OK in this forum.

    I have my own approach to software upgrades. It's developed over many years in commercial software package deployment, but it may not be so applicable in this world. Be interested in other approaches and rationale.

    1. Ignore Beta releases Let others kick the tyres, and with YouTube around there's is lots of opportunity to watch them . Plus it might be an Alpha release () and trample on a few things you'd rather it didn't.

    2. Never implement a .0 release. .0 releases come out when the marketing boys and girls say, not when the engineers want to let go. It comes out when it's good enough to produce the planned revenue.

    3. Normally, the .1 bug-fix release is the first I would go for, and then wait for the next major release.

    4. However, Adobe (I'm a LR user) seem to have a habit of putting in interesting enhancements in intermediate releases. These may be either bits that weren't quite ready for the .0/.1 release, or enhancements to persuade waverers. Probably both.

    Do you upgrade at all?

    If there are features (including RAW support for your next camera, for example) which you want, which you consider worth the upgrade cost and you are prepared for whatever the learning curve is then presumably the answer is "Yes".
    If not, then there may be under the bonnet (hood!) considerations
    - efficiency of other non-feature improvements (for example, the ability to better exploit more modern hardware)
    - the gradual erosion of support for older versions across wide range of operating platforms (or old version won't run at all on your new computer)
    - greater ease of incremental upgrade (indeed, upgrade is sometimes not possible at all from older or out of support releases)
    - etc.

    Generally, I prefer to upgrade sooner rather than later, but not too soon.

    Any views,


  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    I expect the Betas to be free.
    I won't take the leap unless there is a 30 day trial.
    I rarely upgrade unless there is a security fix or related change or my current operating system no longer supports the older version.

  3. #3

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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?


    I usually upgrade when I have the money.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    I will upgrade when the price is right.... When I am attending a post secondary class and when I can purchase an educational version or when there is a sale on the program.

    I picked up Photoshop CS6 when they had a two day sale early this year or late last year and the program cost $250 USD. I picked up the NIK Software Suite after it was gobbled up by Google (say that ten times without your tongue being twisted) when it it was also on sale...

  5. #5

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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    Upgrade? What's an upgrade? It has been so long since Nikon has released an upgrade of its photo editing software -- July 2008 -- that I don't even know what an upgrade is.

  6. #6
    Rhoads238's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    When I bought a new computer I decided to go with a creative cloud membership with adobe for one product, cs6. I think its great. Its only $20 dollars a month and you can upgrade anytime a replacement or update comes out. I think its a much better option, at least for me, than buying the program outright.

  7. #7
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    I upgrade when the "improvement" is worthwhile for my needs. Worthwhile is a bit of a fuzzy term - it's based on what's provided and what the cost is, and perhaps by how I feel at the moment.

    For example: The beta version of LR 5 (which I'm testing) has some new features:

    1) The Radial Filter.
    I haven't been able to find a use for the Radial Filter (except to add vignetting - there's a tool to remove vignetting !!).

    2) Being able to duplicate an Adjustment Brush. However, not being able to adjust the duplicate Adjustment Brushes independently renders the new feature useless.

    So I likely will not upgrade, and will dump LR5. On the other hand, I felt that the improvements of LR4 over LR3 were significant.

    So there is no hard and fast rule.

    Personally, price is not the main factor - usefulness is.


  8. #8
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    Depends on what I'm upgrading.

    The Mac's OS gets upgraded as soon as new version comes out, literally that day as I like to have a play with new features.
    Photoshop I'm still running 5.5 as I can't see the point in paying out for the new one and as to LR then I've never got round to using it so I've downloaded the Beta and I'm giving it a proper trial before it comes out for real.

    I stopped using Nikon Capture NX because as Mike said it's ancient and only runs in 32 bit on the latest Mac's which is pathetic and there are now better solutions to processing RAW files.

  9. #9
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    One other comment about upgrades is that they sometimes come about too fast, just when you are getting comfortable with what you have a supposed more reliable version gets released. In the case of Abobe software, they are usually shipped without adequate manuals so you learn on your own or wait until someone like Scott Kelby releases a solid tutorial.

  10. #10
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    When features make it worthwhile for me, or when obsolescence becomes a problem. The upgrade form LR 3 to 4 was a no-brainer for me. 5 is unclear. If the improvements in the heal/clone tool (which apparently include improvements to the underlying math, not just the freeform brush) are good enough, I'll buy it. Otherwise not. The rest does not interest me.

  11. #11

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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    With photo editing software, not until I absolutely have to due to software no longer supporting hardware(either camera or computer). I find I only use a fraction of the available features anyway. By definition any features they are adding are like to's not have to's otherwise the previous version wouldn't have been functional.

    That said, I'm just getting into sales and as volumes increase and I need to shorten turnaround times, some of the wizbang features may become more attractive if they reduce processing time.

  12. #12

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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    Quote Originally Posted by black pearl View Post
    I stopped using Nikon Capture NX because ... [it] runs in 32 bit on the latest Mac's which is pathetic
    Though I'm not a Mac user, it is widely written that it runs in either 32-bit or 64-bit mode. One reason the 32-bit option is available is that Nik's Color Efex Pro at least at one time (I don't know about now), which can be used as a plug-in to Capture NX, runs only as a 32-bit app.

  13. #13
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    I actually bought the latest version of Capture NX2 but it wouldn't even load onto my iMac running Mountain Lion - Nikon's advice was to download another version and use the serial number from the one I'd purchased - can't remember why now but Nikon have no plans that I know of to make it went back to the shop by the way.

  14. #14

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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    Quote Originally Posted by black pearl View Post
    I actually bought the latest version of Capture NX2 but it wouldn't even load onto my iMac running Mountain Lion...Nikon have no plans that I know of to make it compatible
    I'm not familiar with Mac nomenclature but Capture NX2 specs indicate that the software runs on "Mac OS 10.8.2." I believe that's Mountain Lion.

  15. #15
    plugsnpixels's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    It depends on whether you're talking about operating system, image editing host or plug-in upgrades.

    I'm a Mac user (and IT Consultant in higher ed) and over the years I trusted Apple with each and every update (even the first preview of OSX in 2001!) until they got late into Snow Leopard and (IIRC) security updates or similar went wonky; it seemed that after Steve Jobs' death quality control slipped for awhile. I ignored Lion altogether and jumped late into Mountain Lion (because of both stupid bugs and the breaking of legacy software which I still used).

    As I write my labs are running the very latest ML as are my personal computers and all is well. I can run SL as a VM in case I need to return to legacy apps. (I also run Windows XP and 7 and Ubuntu as VMs).

    In education I'm in a position to keep up to date with Adobe (I also run every software update they offer), and all is well there. We can't fall behind what students are using on their own due to compatibility issues that would arise. It's also true that there is built-in obsolescence (ie, newer Apple hardware cannot run older software), so one has to either shelter in place forever or go with the flow.

    As for plug-ins I'm also in a position (as a reviewer) to keep up to date with them as well; some developers offer free updates from version to version which helps everyone.

    I also beta test or have tested for Apple, Alien Skin, ACD, Corel, Topaz, Mister Retro, etc. etc. I guess you can say I like to live dangerously when I can get away with it! ;-)

  16. #16
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    Thanks everyone, some thought provoking responses.
    I think of buying into software, with its learning curve, as an on going investment rather than a one off purchase, so I think I factor in the cost. And, as has been said, it's definitely the least expensive step in the workflow to upgrade if you wish to.


  17. #17
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    I thought I'd have a read since it's a topic that interests me - then I discovered I'd started it over six years ago! I guess the main change is in the increased adoption of subscription pricing (notably by Adobe of course).

  18. #18
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    I also realize that this is an older thread but Dave brings out a very valid point that bears repeating:

    1. Ignore Beta releases Let others kick the tyres, and with YouTube around there's is lots of opportunity to watch them . Plus it might be an Alpha release () and trample on a few things you'd rather it didn't.

    2. Never implement a .0 release. .0 releases come out when the marketing boys and girls say, not when the engineers want to let go. It comes out when it's good enough to produce the planned revenue.

    In another venue, I had a life changing experience by opting for a 1.0 release...

    I needed a knee replacement in 2001 and my orthopedic doctor said, "Wait for this new artificial joint which will be released soon by Sulza Medica of Switzerland." I did as he recommended and waited the several months until the joint was released.

    Well. the joint was a total fiasco! At first it seemed great but, several days into my "recovery" I began having some very serious problems... extreme pain, fever and inability to flex the knee. My doctor and my wife who is an RN kept telling me that my problems stemmed from lack of exercise. I have often found that if a patient doesn't fit the expectations of medical personnel, they want to place the blame on the patient.

    Anyway, after one of the absolute worst months of my life both physically and mentally, because I was being blamed for my pain. It was learned that the new joint was defective. The Sulza Medica people had neglected to clean the joint of lubricating oil used in fabricating the titanium. As a result, I had a few mm gap between the joint and the bones on my lower leg which acted like a hammer every time I took a step and disintegrated the top of the bones.

    The joint was recalled. Let me tell you a recalled knee joint is a heck of a lot more serious than a set of tires (tyres) being recalled. It required a second major surgery in 30-days and I have never gained total range of motion with the new joint.

    That is why I shy away from 1.0 versions of most products until they have been disseminated and reviews of those products had come back.

    And, yes, I sued Sulza Medica (who had already released hip joints with the same oil problem. I was awarded $50,000 USD for pain and suffering which means (U.S. Tax Code) that the award was not taxed. My doctor wrote a prescription that a swimming pool was medically recommended. I spent a good portion of the tax free money on the pool but, since it was medically recommended, I was able to deduct the money I spent on the pool from that year's taxes as medical expenses.

    I felt a little bit vindicated. However, I would not go through a month like I did for all the money in the world if I had a choice. And I do have choices, no more 1.0 editions of any serious product...

  19. #19
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    Richard, that is indeed a salutory tale. Even though you don't have full movement, I hope that you are pain free. As you say, money can't compensate for what you endured.

    Best wishes, Dave

  20. #20
    New Member Macdavid's Avatar
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    Re: When do you upgrade your software?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tina222 View Post
    Interesting topic! I don't upgrade all of my software in time as I need money for this. But I'm a crypto user and I use various As it helps me to earn money, I upgrade the most useful of them every time it is required.
    I guess that it is vital to upgrade all of the soft you are using on a constant basis especially browsers since you don't know which vulnerability will be used to steal your money. Especially when you deal with digital money. Read stories about fake Electrum updates, for example.
    Last edited by Macdavid; 2nd November 2020 at 10:28 PM.

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