Originally Posted by
James G
I've been reading this thread and finding myself in agreement with all sides, and at the same time disagreeing with all sides!
This maybe because at a personal level, photography is the profound enjoyment of capturing or simply viewing images for their own sake.
Sometimes I can imagine a 'story', other times I am stunned by detail, tone or vibrance, or maybe the impossibility of what I seem to be seeing. Other times it's memory that makes the image or memory and emotion together. Sometimes it's just the light and shade that does it for me.
I try to capture images that I like or have meaning to me. I like images generated by other people particularly when they present me with something I either never thought about, or when the presentation shows me something in a way I never thought of, and I most like images where I am surprised or engaged, (emotionally, visually any which way you want to cut it.....)
Photography, for me at least, is not defined by anything other than the medium itself, and the genius of the person taking the chance and risk to capture and present the image.
I'm reminded of the PAD (Photograph a day) exercise we were challenged to undertake a couple of years back. The aim was simple, just take a picture that you were prepared to put on display, every day for a month. i.e no plan needed, no specific need to have a message, story, theme, technical edge etc.. just find and present the image you were happy to show others.
The sheer variety of images that followed was phenomenal and I suspect, if analysed in the context of this discussion thread there were examples of every opinion so far expressed.