After (accidentally) causing a bit of trouble over in the general discussion forum, I thought it appropriate to get back on track with sharing some photos. C&C is welcome, but I have nothing to ask in particular.
I thought I'd be processing my vacation shots a lot faster and then sharing them in larger groups, but that is not happening. Thus, I'll just share two that I have ready at this point. Both shots were with a Canon 7D and 400mm 5.6L prime. Full size viewing is thoughtfully recommended
This little one was rather close to me and seemed to pay me no attention, unless, perhaps, this is a territorial display... Was at a crowded wildlife refuge, so the birds are accustomed to people.
At a different location, which is less traveled by humans, this bird was sitting around with buddy nearby. I encountered them, while stalking some deer, in camouflage (I can hear some of you snickering now ). I was not perceived as a threat, so I was able to get within a good proximity.
Thank you for viewing