Needs viewing at full screen size to fully appreciate this scene.
It really does need viewing at the large size. Very nice mood!
I would probably crop the top to eliminate the two bright areas in the sky or at least tone them down. There are also three tiny black dots in the sky, probably birds, that I would eliminate.
Hi Mat,
Just a few points that came to mind ...
- You've got at least a dozen sensor spots showing around the top center and top right of the image.
- I don't think the top 1/2 of the sky contributes enough to the image to justify being there
- I don't think your drop-shadow border really works very well (sorry!).
Written about the original image:
It is a stunner Mat,
but ...
... you knew there'd be a "but" didn't you?
... after all, it is me; the fussiest so-and-so here
two things bother me if I am to 'believe' in this scene being natural;
a) the tobacco colour of the sky - it isn't what's lighting the foreground clouds
b) the comparatively bright white halo at the top edge of the hills
Now I accept I could be wrong, I have seen strange coloured skies you wouldn't believe on occasion.
Was the filter applied to tone down the sky coloured at all?
btw I would agree with the suggestions Mike made too.
Hope that helps,
UPDATE: The crop does mitigate a) to a fair degree.