Appreciate any comments or suggestions. Stitched with 5 shots. Photo location Maui. Thanks for viewing.
Untitled by JoydeepRoy, on Flickr
Appreciate any comments or suggestions. Stitched with 5 shots. Photo location Maui. Thanks for viewing.
Untitled by JoydeepRoy, on Flickr
Wow! NIce angle, nice colours. I like how smooth the clouds look close to the mountains on the back, matching with the sea, and the closer you get (as you approach the eyes to the grass in front), it gets constantly sharper!
Thank you for the comments. I wanted to add that here no tripod was used and manually stitched with p s e.
Super-impressive. Having no seams showing with waves in panos is always a struggle for me. This is fantastic.
My only minor quibble is the horizon isn't quite level.
Try stitching them with Microsoft Image Composite Editor. It's free, simple to use and will stitch photos faster than you can say, "stitching photos"
Having recently paused from driving home from a photo safari to take a cold front threatening it is interesting to see what others have done such as Lightman and John Hart as part of a current exhibition. Seen only as a thumbnail http://greenislandgallery.files.word...heet-3-web.jpg
but powerful and interesting enough at just that small size.
Though forboading and threatening at the time, it had started to hit me I rate mine as the least interesting but heading my webpage for the time being
it might be interesting to compare the three. Neither John nor I shot Panos and it is obvious that John took his from his home beside the seaThere are other interesting images from John's travels around the world at his link.
EDIT ... having just visited his webpage to see if the photo is there, it is not I'd suggest it well worth a visit.
Last edited by jcuknz; 7th May 2013 at 02:29 AM.
wow~~the photos are attracting and the procress is amazing. i have a program named panorama maker, can i use it to make some photos like above? of course, the 360 panoramas are best.
You need to shoot with generous overlap, 30% is good, keep the camera level, don't use a polarising filter, don't shoot with a wide-angle lens , quite possibly the programme is hoping you will use at least a 35mm angle of view lens and will likely work better with a longer focal length setting. The use of the longer lens helps to reduce the 'tail-away' of the subject at each end of the pano. Though it is possible to overcome this with the horizontal perspective tool in an editor If you want to get more coverage height it may be worth holding the camera in 'portrait' mode depending on its format ... works best with the 3:2 format of a full frame DSLR less so with the 5:4 or 4:3 of P&S.
Have fun but not sure if you will be able to get prints made at your local store and panos look silly on a monitor![]()
Ooo they sound suspiciously like Rules and we all know what you should do to Rules :-)
True, if you follow them you'll get good results but many of my panos have less than generous overlap, the camera is not always kept as level as it should and I've left my polarising filter in place on my wide angle lens, which is attached to a crop not full frame DSLR. They're not going to win any prizes but they were fun.
So far I've only got two sets of pics that will not stitch using MS ICE (which I mentioned earlier in this thread) but they did stitch using Hugin.
Printing panos is 'interesting'. I don't have a printer that can take a roll of photo paper and as yet I've not found any software that will let me tile an image across multiple sheets of paper. I did get one 360 pano onto paper by converting the jpg to a PDF, printing the PDF on to plain paper using a colour laser across eight sheets of landscape A4 and then trimming off the white space on each page. The paper joins detract from the finished article some what but there are endless hours of amusement to be had by taking sheets off the left hand end and adding them to the right hand end (and vice versa) while they are all laid out on the living room floor. Yes, I know, I know, my wife has already given me 'that look' when she found me doing this. I really do need to get out more.
Rules are societies consensus for better living and only the foolish ignore them without good, very good reason. The world is getting too crowded for individualism, it is one of the facts of modern life, much as I regret it and have watched the world get smaller through my lifetime and fretted at restictions on my potential activities.
Do you follow the road code irrespective of if a cop is watching you?