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Thread: Gemsbok

  1. #1
    botspur's Avatar
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    For all it's grace and stature I find this animal very difficult to capture. They don't usually stand still and if they do they have their back turned towards you as below or walking over the hill. The dark stripe through the eye makes the eye difficult to distinguish. I found the long inflorescence of the grass eye-catching and hoped the Gemsbok would pose, all I got was this nonchalant backward glance.


    C&C Welcomed

  2. #2

    Re: Gemsbok

    You must be so satisfied for this amazing photo! I particularly liked the light, the sun hitting the horn, and the grass behind it. You said his eye was hard to see, but thanks to the sun/light I can see it perfectly.
    Nice shot!

  3. #3
    botspur's Avatar
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    Re: Gemsbok

    Hi Silver?, thank you. One of the reasons I liked this one was because of the light caught in the eye, beleive me I have plenty with no "eye-light" and it's just not the same.

  4. #4

    Re: Gemsbok

    I believe you! But this one was great! Hope you can get more of these. Maybe if you give a close up on their faces (when they are not giving you their back ofc ) Thanks for sharing the photo.

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