Well seen and captured, Chris.
Nice opportunity! I would like to see more of the green colour, but, principally with animals and insects (and kids) it is quite rare to take the time to make tests with the camera :P This is my taste, however. I do like the wooden floor, it gives texture to the image! Well done!
Thanks, Paul and SilverYeou!
This was literally a situation for - "run for the camera before they disappear". (Actually, they stayed for quite a while).
I took about 8 shots, kept 3 of them.
I just cropped and sharpened in PP, and increased the Exposure by 1/4 stop.
I did it on my laptop, so I don't know how it really looks on a decent monitor.
PS: What's your first name? You can edit that in your profile...
Last edited by Kris V; 1st May 2013 at 01:14 PM.