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Thread: After Which Printer, now What paper??

  1. #1
    James G's Avatar
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    After Which Printer, now What paper??

    This is a follow on from a thread started by Hec back in March.

    I recently took the plunge and switched away from Epson inks and started using Lyson alternatives thanks to the excellent advice from Colin and a few others who had already done this.
    The switch is now complete, (I have an Epson R3000), and I reckon I'm getting better results using the Lyson inks set. Just as important though , I'm now paying about 80% less for ink. (Given a full set of Epson inks comes in at £200+ I'm kicking myself for not having done this years ago.)

    So, having reduced my costs on ink, I've been thinking about the papers I use.

    I stopped using Epson papers some years ago, and settled on a number of alternatives which for me, seem to provide equivalent or better print quality and are less costly per print than the vendor papers.

    I initially used the manufacturer supplied profiles ( which do a good job), but once I found I 'liked' a particular paper, I've generated my own.

    So, my current favourites: -
    Ilford Gallerie range, Smooth Fine Art, Smooth Gloss, Gold Fibre Silk
    Brilliant Museum range from Calumet Silver Gloss White & Silver Gloss Natural
    Harman Photo Professional Matt FB MP, Gloss FB AI,
    Crystaljet Gloss & Lustre RC ,

    I've tried 'specialist' papers, Hahnemuhle particularly, on occasion, but find that the Calumet and Harman Crystaljet are my workhorse papers, and as I said before are easier on my pocket than the vendor specific papers

    I also experiment a bit with gel transfer techniques, transferring inkjet images to non standard media, but that's probably a thread for a later date.

    So, do you tend like me to favour non vendor suppliers or do you stick with thePrinter Vendors?



  2. #2
    GrahamS's Avatar
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    Re: After Which Printer, now What paper??

    James, I have a Canon i9500 printer and every time I have ventured into alternative inks it has cost me a new print head, so I now stick to Canon inks. I am aware that many people who run Epson printerts have great success with Lyson inks, but I would like to know if the same is true for anyone running a Canon printer.

    As for paper, I use the Ilford Galerie range - mainly Oyster and smooth pearl. I get a better dynamic range than from Permajet papers, which seem to have a higher contrast.

  3. #3
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: After Which Printer, now What paper??

    Hi Graham, Got to admit I nearly bought the Canon X10 when I upgraded, but ended up sticking with Epson because of familiarity....
    I tried Permajet a few years back. I was looking for deeper range in blacks and ended up opting for the Harman Baryta papers.

    Cheers :-)

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: After Which Printer, now What paper??

    I personally like printing on luster papers and having tried them from a number of different suppliers, I tend to stick with Epson papers on my Epson 3880 printer; although I do dabble with other papers on occasion. The prices are competitive and I really don't see any significant differences in my final output between the various brands.

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: After Which Printer, now What paper??

    At least two manufacturers, Moab and Red River, sell inexpensive sampler packs that include a wide variety of their papers. Not surprisingly, the two overlap somewhat. It's cheap and enjoyable way to experiment. I was pleased enough with papers from each that I stopped trying other brands. However, I use a Canon dye-based printer, so YMMV.

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: After Which Printer, now What paper??

    I've just got my R3000, installed it successfully and am now working my way through the papers in the Permajet test packs that I bought (and got 'free' as part of the printer purchase). I am looking to narrow it down to 3 or 4 (2 from the 'everyday' papers and a couple from the 'better' ones).

    Am still on the Epson inks that came with the printer, but have also bought the Permajet Eco-Flo continuous ink system and will install that when I get about half-way through the Epsons (on advice), in case I have to reinstall them within the first year! I'll get profiles made at that point. At the moment am using the generic profiles and am quite happy with them, although most of what I'm doing is B & W and am using the R3000's 'Advanced B & W' mode, which is a wonderful tool.

    My God! I'm talking the language of printing. 6 weeks ago, if I read what I've just written, I wouldn't have understood it. Learning is a great thing.
    Last edited by Donald; 1st May 2013 at 06:22 PM.

  7. #7
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: After Which Printer, now What paper??

    Dan, found a supplier of Moab papers in the UK, based in Birmingham about 15 miles from where I live. Think I'll pop over tomorrow and get a sample pack.
    Seems that Moab has been available here since 2009 and the joke is that I purchased my DataColor 'Spyder' profiling system, from Colour Confidence. Just never knew they sold paper!

    :-) James

  8. #8
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: After Which Printer, now What paper??

    I tried using ABW for the first time a couple of weeks back, and agree it is pretty impressive. I was too lazy to try it with my old printer because I had to physically swap the Black Carts myself. I love the richer black tones it seems to give. I'm busy reprinting some of my previous B&W subjects and loving the richer black tones I'm getting.

    As regards learning, I keep climbing, crest a brow, only to find I'm on the flat facing the next rise with the summit still a way off! Thank God I haven't got there yet, would be awful to know there's nothing more but the way back down! ;-)

  9. #9
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: After Which Printer, now What paper??

    Ah no. The sunlit uplands always beckon.

  10. #10
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: After Which Printer, now What paper??

    Dave, your so right.. sunny uplands....

    Gwynant_Panorama1z (700 x 379).jpg

  11. #11
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: After Which Printer, now What paper??

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I've just got my R3000, installed it successfully and am now working my way through the papers in the Permajet test packs that I bought (and got 'free' as part of the printer purchase). I am looking to narrow it down to 3 or 4 (2 from the 'everyday' papers and a couple from the 'better' ones).

    Am still on the Epson inks that came with the printer, but have also bought the Permajet Eco-Flo continuous ink system and will install that when I get about half-way through the Epsons (on advice), in case I have to reinstall them within the first year! I'll get profiles made at that point. At the moment am using the generic profiles and am quite happy with them, although most of what I'm doing is B & W and am using the R3000's 'Advanced B & W' mode, which is a wonderful tool.

    My God! I'm talking the language of printing. 6 weeks ago, if I read what I've just written, I wouldn't have understood it. Learning is a great thing.
    Just wanted to make sure that you know that permajet will do all of your profiles for free Donald as your using their inks/papers

  12. #12
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: After Which Printer, now What paper??

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark von Kanel View Post
    Just wanted to make sure that you know that permajet will do all of your profiles for free Donald as your using their inks/papers
    Thanks Mark. Yep, I'd clocked that one.

    I'm holding onto one sheet of each of the papers I think I'll want to use, from the trial packs, so that when I switch onto Permajet inks, I'll have sheet onto which I can print the Patch File for sending off. Still debating whether its Oyster 271 or Ultra Pearl 271 I want to use from the Digital Photo Papers range for colour images. I'm liking Matt Plus and FB Delta Matt 295 (from the Fibre Based range) for B & Ws.

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