Many of you know about me and colour. Just don't go together very well.
Which is why I'm always particularly keen to read comments whenever I do try it.
This is opportunistic in the sense that I went down to nearby Loch Leven early in the morning to get the rising sun and hopefully some strong lines on the shore. I got the former, but not the latter. But what I did come upon was this scene that immediately said 'colour image'. At least in my mind.
I took that long to compose it that I was afraid of losing the light. I worked the angles for ages before seeing the composition that I thought worked. But, as you'll have noticed, the horizon (take that as either the shoreline or the top of the hills) is nowhere near the 'thirds' line. Indeed, it is almost on halfway. I felt okay with that. What do you think?
Your opinions and suggestion for any improvement you think possible, will be welcomed.
I like it, in a 'pretty', 'tourist brochure' sort of way.
40D, 24-70mm f/2.8L @ 24mm. ISO100. 1/90s@f8