I'm in the process of checking what's available for my next monitor. Nothing wrong with the one I have now but I need to keep the Birthday/Christmas list up to date year round. I've got my favourite already but need to keep up with the speedy changes being made. This one isn't due to break for a couple of more years so I'm expecting other options.
I've started coming across some potential compatibility concerns regarding the relatively new (3 years) and only a few available, 10 bit Monitors and Graphics Cards. The OS and software programs also have an impact on the performance of both. From what I'm seeing, the technologies will work together but mismatches may mean you are not getting all you can when compared to a properly configured PC. Codec's may be needed in some cases and even the GC to monitor interface cable can be suspect.
Some of the information I've come across is new and some is a couple of years old so I need to establish a current status to work from. There's lots of information available on the internet but I was wondering if any of you have already looked into this and gone over the groundwork. Knowing what you found may save me a lot of looking.
Thanks in advance for anything you can pass along.