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View Poll Results: My favourite image(s) are ...

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  • Arith - My Broken Watch

    2 10.53%
  • Jim B. - If Looks Could Kill

    6 31.58%
  • Sreelalts - A beautiful Day

    7 36.84%
  • Colin - Rotoroa by Moonlight

    8 42.11%
  • Geoff - Robber Fly

    1 5.26%
  • Cneeda - Un-named Entry

    9 47.37%
  • Sahil - Boss' Cabin

    0 0%
  • Steve - Redbull

    2 10.53%
  • Yan - A Windy Night

    2 10.53%
  • Scout - Number 10

    3 15.79%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Mini Competition #45

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Aug 2009
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    Re: Number 10

    I know this was one of your earliest shots, and some of this may have been said before. Apologies if I'm going over old ground.
    Hi Dave:
    You're right, this was the first photo I had the nerve to post here, and was actually taken on my second trip out with the new camera. Not to worry about going over old ground, some things need repeating.

    I have some difficulty determining what the subject is, I assume it is the flowers, however, these are partially hidden and the main attention grabber in shot is the sunlit plank of wood.
    Right again! The flowers were supposed to be the subject, however I think my focus was off in the original and I Just can't get them the way I want. I'll have to try again next year.
    I did a lot (too much I think) of PP on this. I kind of like what I was able to do with the sunlit plank of wood, it was very dull in the original, but you are right, now it stands out more than the flowers.
    If I were to do the shot over, I would get there earlier in the day when the sun was on the flowers, and then make sure I got the focus right (I probably had the wrong focus setting on the camera, at that point in time I didn't know what all those little squares in the viewfinder were ). I don't know if I'm evaluating that correctly, but I think it would have helped.

    I think this is one shot where a better eye for composition is required and this has undoubtedly developed looking at your more recent work.
    3/3 and thanks for the kind words of encouragement. I'm working on it. Hope to be much better by next summer. Hope you all don't mind bearing with me.

    Hope that helps,
    Thanks Dave, it helps a lot. Your comments are always on target, and like I said earlier some things are worth repeating. I appreciate you taking the time.


  2. #22
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Windsor, Berks, UK
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Redbull

    Hi Steve,

    This is what I was suggesting above
    Mini Competition #45

    Aside from the clonery, the only other thing I did was USM for LCE at 10%, 60px, 0th.


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