Very nice, Joe. I especially like the hawk because it shows his colors so well. The Great Egret is in a very nice environment too.
I know I've written it before, but you do get amazing clarity into these images. Get the lighting right. Know how to use the equipment you have. And look at what can happen.
Hello our friend,
Once again, stunning. Shows what can be achieved, though I still don't quite know how you magic it up.
Dave and Margalit (I just had to show her too)
I've never seen better heron photos... that you captured both the heron and it's reflection in action with such clarity and beauty is amazing and inspiring. Sheer magic. The dragon fly shot is also a wonder...
Thank you for posting these.
Joe, I think 2 is just great.
Hello Dave and Margalit, nice to hear from you again. Smiles at magic it up... I try to get something out of the camera I can use and then just muck around with it in Lightroom until I like it, then over to Photoshop Eloements to clean it up and apply Local Contrast Enhancement with Unsharp Mask... amount of 10, radius of around 200. and threshold of 0.
Love the #1 tri-color, nicely done