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Thread: dusk

  1. #1
    lightman's Avatar
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    Joydeep Roy


    Any CC or sugggestions always welcome. Location Stub Stewart State Park, Oregon.

    Untitled by JoydeepRoy, on Flickr

  2. #2

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    Re: dusk

    This is absolutely gorgeous. I love how vibrant the greens are.

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Re: dusk


    I wouldn't change a thing.

  4. #4
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: dusk

    The vibrant trees are good, but if it were me I'd change a few things to make them more the focus of the image

    - Crop from the bottom, to remove some of the (for me) rather uninteresting brown foreground
    - Crop some from the left to again focus more on the trees. (You currently have some blown highlights in the sky at upper left, depending on where you crop to, you might want to fix these.)
    - You have lost quite a lot of detail in the black parts of the trees. Maybe what you intended, but if not you could try to recover them.
    - You could add a bit of vibrance, to make the trees stand out even more.

    Personal opinion, I would increase overall exposure - but that depends on what effect you are trying to achieve. Since your title is "dusk" that may not be the idea at all.

    Alternatively, depending on what PP software you have, you could make a selection on the trees, give them some more pop, and keep the overall exposure low.

    Hope these ideas are helpful (I did download you image and spend a few minutes trying ideas out).

    For future reference, you'll get more and better feedback if you post the image in the appropriate forum, and ask for C&C (Comment and Critque)

  5. #5
    lightman's Avatar
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    Joydeep Roy

    Re: dusk

    Thanks for your review and feedback. I will try out your suggestion. The software used was PSE 9. I chose the title because I wanted to describe the last of moments of the sunlight at the end of the day and associated atmosphere. I forgot to mention earlier this photo was also a stitched photo from 4 individual photos.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: dusk

    Hi Joydeep,

    I have moved your thread to a more appropriate forum since Dave mentioned where it was.

    I hope you find it again

    I can see that in the foreground, there's a nice convergence thing with lines of bushes going towards the left edge with the composition as you have it - and it is a good stitch.

    Dusk to me means after the sun has set, so I'd call this something like "Last rays of the day" - ok, maybe not

    Welcome to the CiC forums from ...

  7. #7
    lightman's Avatar
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    Portland, Oregon
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    Joydeep Roy

    Re: dusk

    Thanks for the feedback and relocation. Dusk may not be the right title I agree dusk means
    sun should be below the horizon. This was actually the 'golden hour for photography' - the last
    hour of the day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Joydeep,

    I have moved your thread to a more appropriate forum since Dave mentioned where it was.

    I hope you find it again

    I can see that in the foreground, there's a nice convergence thing with lines of bushes going towards the left edge with the composition as you have it - and it is a good stitch.

    Dusk to me means after the sun has set, so I'd call this something like "Last rays of the day" - ok, maybe not

    Welcome to the CiC forums from ...

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