There are many photographers in Dubai who take architectural shots at night. Finding an 'original' location is very challenging. Over the past 4 years I have found a few new locations to shoot from and over time I have seen many shots taken from the same spots. In fact, several photographers have asked for details on locations and I have been more then helpful - a year or so down the line if I ask for a return of the favour then I get nothing, zilch, as a reply - I should perhaps take on more of the predatory instincts of a Dubai photog! Oh, how I wish you could copyright a view!
So last night I stumbled across a new location to shoot. Over time, no doubt, this view will improve if ever/whenever they finish building Dubai! Over time there will be many versions of this shot taken - no doubt, b@st@rdised and photoshopped to within an inch of its life with a midnight blue hour sky, menacing clouds and a perfectly photoshopped ripply reflection!
So here's an original, the first. No doubt there will be better. The colours are true to life, as I prefer to keep things looking as natural as possible. The blending was difficult around the advertising boards on the shopping mall (bottom right) due to the huge dynamic range there.
It's a 12 shot panorama (4 across and 3 high, in landscape orientation), shot with the 2/35 Distagon and D700. Each shot was taken at f8, with exposures of 8 seconds, 2 seconds and 1/2 second. Once into post production, each image was blended in Photomatix and then the panorama stitched in PTGui. Finally, a layer of Nik Color Efex to add a little contrast. Here's the resulting 9712 x 5929 (57.6MP) image, with a link to the original: