another photo for the night. It was fun. What do you fine people think?
milk1 by AllenLennon, on Flickr
another photo for the night. It was fun. What do you fine people think?
milk1 by AllenLennon, on Flickr
Try flipping it up the way and call it milky smoke. Looks interesting and the lighting is good.
here you go mate
milk2 by AllenLennon, on Flickr
Cracker mate we are making progress - now try for a mushroom shaped cloud but don't harm anything.
Actually you have opened up countless opportunities so I may give it a try.
go nuts mate! here is another edit i did with the same image. As for your idea, unsure of how i could get the mushroom shape.
milk3 by AllenLennon, on Flickr
That looks great Allen. Clever idea. Keep them coming.
Beautiful photo. How did you do this? poured milk caught mid-air?
Fantastic. Flipping it was also my first thoughts when opening the thread.
If you try it again try adding few drops of color and do the "experiment" without allowing the solution to mix thoroughly.
Miltos, thank you, here is a quick(well took 40 mins to do) edit as per your suggestion, only the one colour, i tried all types of colours and tried two colours ect, but only came up with the following that i somewhat like.
milkcolour by AllenLennon, on Flickr
I used a glass fish tank filled with water, i used the handle of a hand held squeegee in place of where i wanted the milk to go and focused on it. Also used it to get a indication of my lighting, which was two yn-460ii(im getting the 560ii), one placed to the right of the tank towards the bottom(next time i will place the tank on a small table to get the light a bit lower) and one to the right but up a little higher on a stand. Both is bare. I set my camera to manual mode, iso 100, f:14 at 1/160th. The camera was set on high continues burst mode.
Once everything was set i used the handle of the squeegee and the use of live view to see where i needed to get the milk, switched live view off and poured while holding down the shutter. I have done this twice, between each i emptied the water cleaned the tank and filled up again. It is really very easy and extremely fun to do. I encourage anyone to try. I saw a photo on flikr i want to try out which involves milk with objects in the tank like a flower. As well as food colouring.
Hope that helps
Thank you. very interesting!
no worries, you should have a go
I meant if you plan to take a similar shot, not in PP