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Thread: New Screen/ Monitor

  1. #1

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    New Screen/ Monitor

    I am looking for a monitor as my laptop is a 15 inch version which is great for travelling with but a little small for editing work. This is a 2 pronged question;
    1) If money was no object which screen would you choose to edit photographs on ?
    2) I have been offered a dell-ultrasharp-2707wfp-widescreen-display and It reveiws pretty well but I trust you guys more than I trust a tech site. Anyone know or use this ?

  2. #2
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: New Screen/ Monitor

    Eizo ColorEdge 27"
    See HERE

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: New Screen/ Monitor

    On question 1, I have no reason to take issue with Mike's suggestion. It's much more of a monitor than I need given my available resources.

    Re question 2, I use a Dell U2711 and am very, very pleased with it. The 2707 is, in price terms, several steps up from the 2711.

  4. #4
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: New Screen/ Monitor

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    On question 1, I have no reason to take issue with Mike's suggestion. It's much more of a monitor than I need given my available resources.

    Re question 2, I use a Dell U2711 and am very, very pleased with it. The 2707 is, in price terms, several steps up from the 2711.
    My suggestion was in response to the money no object question. I have a Dell 24" which has served me well and I use periodically when I need to use my PC. My main screen these days is my 27" iMac, which I gather is not the purist's choice but suits me just fine.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: New Screen/ Monitor

    If you are looking at doing work where colour rendition is a primary concern, look for a high gamut monitor. This means some for of IPS (In Plane Switching) rather than the low end TN (Twisted Nematic) type display. A high end display will probably be marketed as 30-bit or better (versus 24-bit) and may have words the suggest that it can handled most of the AdobeRGB colour space. The lower end ones will show a compliance with sRGB only.

    Large is good as well; I work with a 27" monitor as my prime.

  6. #6
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: New Screen/ Monitor

    Dell UltraSharp U2713H is an IPS monitor and seems to get good reviews. You need to make sure any monitor has a 178deg viewing angle.

  7. #7
    Adrian's Avatar
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    Re: New Screen/ Monitor

    In my office we have a 27 " Eizo colour edge used for graphic design layouts (not by me!) and a bunch of latest 27" iMacs. Everything has calibration profiles. For all purpose use I actually prefer the 27" iMac and went for two of these screens (one is an iMac the other is just a screen) on my desk. For pure photo and graphics use, you can see a difference with the Eizo, especially with the shields in place. Not an enormous difference though and for video rendering the iMacs do a very good job.

    Never tried Dell. You tend to see Eizo and other specialist monitors rather than Dell in design studios in my limited experience.

  8. #8

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    Re: New Screen/ Monitor

    Quote Originally Posted by Clactonian View Post
    Eizo ColorEdge 27"
    See HERE
    Yeah ok, that is for sure a nice bit of kit

  9. #9

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    Re: New Screen/ Monitor

    Donald, it's being offered to me for 100 quid so it's quite a bargain, but I don't really know what to look for in a decentmonitor it's not just about size. Colour spec etc etc

  10. #10
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: New Screen/ Monitor

    Quote Originally Posted by moopy goops View Post
    Donald, it's being offered to me for 100 quid so it's quite a bargain,
    A Dell 2707WFP for £100.

    That almost sounds too good to be true, unless you know the person who is selling it very well and you trust them absolutely. My question would be - Why is it on offer at that price? Is someone doing you a big, personal favour?

    If this is out in the open market at that price and is being offered by someone you don't know, then I'd say it was either a) stolen or b) no good. If something looks too good to be true, it usually is.

  11. #11

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    Re: New Screen/ Monitor

    It's my nephews' flat mate so its along the lines of a personal favour, he's an ex gamer who has 2 of these and only wants one I am getting it checked over for damage but I don't suppose he's still got the receipt so I'll need to take his word on its original 'purchase'
    In your opinion they are good equiptment though?

  12. #12
    Bear's Avatar
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    Re: New Screen/ Monitor

    I just replaced my two seven-year old Eizo CG241Ws with a pair of CG276Ws.

    I am still in shock, they are so good. One review said they are expensive, but worth every penny. It feels like working with a reference system you can trust absolutely, and that is priceless.

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