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Thread: How much post-processing do you do?

  1. #41
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: How much post-processing do you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Downrigger View Post
    A dimension of the question that also puzzles me is this: Not "how much to do"?, but when to stop. I am impressed that there are many available adjustments (*for me, so far, in LR), most of which have an infinite (continuously variable) numbers of set points, so there are clearly an infinite number of possible solutions when combining these for any given image. Some very similar results can be achieved with different combinations of adjustments, too. It's pretty easy to get to something one likes, but hard to stop. Every time I come back to one of my favorites, I find something else to tweak.
    A pragmatic answer is when it is good enough for the end product you are looking for. Ultimate use dictates how much time and effort, as a hobbyist, I am willing to spend on getting it to be “good enough”. Something that I will be printing on large format paper, will get a lot more effort than something I am going to post on the web.

    My criterion for “good enough” when I view something at is final size and don’t see any tangible improvements, when I continue to work on something.
    Because I know that I am going to PP many of my shots, I actually shoot with that thought in mind. What that allows me to do is concentrate on composition, knowing that I will be able to fix things in post. As an example, I remember taking a shot of a building that had telephone lines running in front of it and a stop sign obscuring part of it. Was there and we struck up a conversation; he was struggling to “get it right in the camera”. Yes, he did manage to show me a shot, where he had more or less eliminated the things that both of us did not like in the scene. Bottom line; he had to compromise composition to reduce / eliminate the need to PP his image. Frankly, in my opinion, he did not have a very good image.

    When I say I shoot with PP in mind; that is exactly what I did in the images I showed in the example I showed further up this thread. Here is another example; this shot of Centre Block of the Canadian Parliament Buildings, is another example of what I mean by shooting with PP in mind. This is a composite that is made up of around 7 different images; with lots of people in the foreground. The sky was dull and overcast; so I needed to bring out the clouds, and I used a grad ND filter while shooting. If I were to shoot this again, I would have taken a few more shots without the grad, to make the PP a bit easier. As you can see, the crowds are missing and I managed to remove the effects of the grad on the Peace Tower. The face of the clock was a separate shot to make it show up better. The flag was taken from a shot I had taken some months ago, when the wind direction was better and it was blowing harder. This is not a HDRI image, buy the way.

    How much post-processing do you do?

    When I refer knowing that it is "good enough". There are still people in the picture that I did not take out, because they really are not noticeable in the final product.

  2. #42
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: How much post-processing do you do?

    This is all helpful, very much so. I figure one is never really sure - just sure enough - and that was my suggested conclusion. If I could figure out how to put something in the signature line below my posts, though, it would be my favorite Voltairism: "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd"

  3. #43

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    Re: How much post-processing do you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Downrigger View Post favorite Voltairism: "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd"
    And from someone not nearly as distinguished, "never confuse confidence with competence".

  4. #44
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: How much post-processing do you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Downrigger View Post
    If I could figure out how to put something in the signature line below my posts,
    Mark - It's:

    On the Menu Bar above, go to 'Forum Actions'
    Then choose 'Edit Profile'
    Then scroll down and on the left hand side find 'Edit Signature'. That's where you want to be.

  5. #45

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    Re: How much post-processing do you do?

    I felt the same way as you about 2 1/2 years ago when I first started posting on internet forums. I guess I was afraid I would start altering my images beyond the reality that was before my camera. I should have been afraid. I am currently no longer concerned with reality as a fixed entity. I can process to recreate reality to a degree that was not possible at that time. Or, I can veer away to some creative tangent. Both require processing time, however. I shoot raw and everything goes through Adobe Camera Raw in Elements 9 first. Then, I move it into the editing stage. I might just denoise and save. All done. Or, I might do some levels and simple curves. I just bought the Nik Collection. Sending it there takes time since the application of my settings takes a few moment more than just an Elements move. There are so many choices in just Nik Color Efex plus the numerous features of Elements. I like to convert some images to black and white and I also like to alter hue/saturation, add filters, and on and on. To selected images. The options and combinations of options are nearly limitless. It's better to stick to the original. Much simpler that way.

  6. #46
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: How much post-processing do you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    On the Menu Bar above, go to 'Forum Actions'
    Then choose 'Edit Profile'
    Then scroll down and on the left hand side find 'Edit Signature'. That's where you want to be.

    But is it usual that the user can't see it?

    Last edited by William W; 17th May 2013 at 04:11 AM.

  7. #47
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: How much post-processing do you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    How much post-processing do you do?

    Nice shot.


  8. #48
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: How much post-processing do you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    Nice shot.

    Thanks Bill. I had wanted to do a shot of Centre Block with some snow on the ground for some time, but just never got around to it. I a;so wanted to try out my new ND grad filters, but unfortunately arrived shortly after a tour bus did (we know it is spring in Ottawa, when when the Asian tourists show up on Parliament Hill). That way I got to practice two different techniques in post; eliminating the tourists and playing with images shot with the grad. I'm pretty happy with it as a first attempt; learned a lot for next time.

  9. #49
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: How much post-processing do you do?

    ^ I should have really written "nice work" - but you know what I meant.

    It's very bloody good.


  10. #50
    Wayland's Avatar
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    Re: How much post-processing do you do?

    I live in the North of England in a place which feels like the home of rain.

    Post processing is something I can do on the days which are not worth trying to get a good capture on.

    I plan my trips with a precision worthy of military training. If it's a new location I study my target in books and online before setting out clear objectives with regards the timing, weather and equipment required to achieve those objectives.

    I examine my subject on the ground with an adaptable mind but aiming to achieve those clear objectives.

    I set my tripod up and point the camera in a direction based upon my detailed knowledge of the potential that the technology and software has to capture an image.

    I shoot RAW to bypass the limitations placed upon the potential of that image by designers that presume I am taking a picture of some occidental friends in a Japanese bar.

    I process that RAW file in the most advanced software I can utilise to maximise that possibility.

    If needed, I then use a full featured photo manipulation program with skills developed through many hours of study and practice to release the full potential of the image that I visualised at the point of setting my tripod upon the ground.

    Part of that process is over in a fraction of a second. My manipulation of the subject begins with the planning and may start years before pressing the shutter button. My final result may be reached years after the capture after re-examination and the development of new software capabilities and skills.

    Compared to that, post processing may only be a small part of the total process for me.

    if you want to see the work I put in after the capture, these threads may give you some idea:

    The Anatomy of an Image - Morte Hoe

    The Anatomy of an Image - Dunstanburgh.

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