I finally pried the 400mm glass off the camera and popped on the 150mm macro. It took some willpower but I made it happenIt's been longer than I can remember since I've take these kind of abstract close up shots. So long, in fact, that I forgot quite a few things about macro shooting:
- The DOF is absurdly small even at high f numbers (and diffraction is a *****)
- You have to slow down and really look and think about every step of the process and seeing
- Tripod positioning, even with macro rails, is maddeningly frustrating
- Macro shooting in general is a pain in the arse
- You need a remote release (I left mine at home, totally forgetting such a thing existed, lol)
Despite all of that, it was a nice change of pace from the wildlife photography, and probably good to refresh my brain and get out of any ruts that I may have been sliding into.
In any case, I had a go for a couple hours trying to produce some abstract shots. The wood and mushrooms shots are focus stacked. The tendril and grass blade is one shot.
Thanks for looking. C&C welcome