I have a laptop computer that is about five years old. It has a 32 BIT; not the more recent 64 BIT capability.
Can I use this computer to download my RAW images from my 7D CF cards? While I am on my trip to Europe and Turkey? I would plan to use the Canon software to download the images and save them to a pair of small physical size but, large capacity external hard drives. I have one 500 Gb and one 1 Tb hard drive.
I don't have any desire to edit the images on my trip other than just taking a quick look at them to spot any obvious camera or lens malfunction..
My wife will bring her newer and more capable Lenovo notebook computer. However on my trip to China, she and I fought over computer time since we had only one computer and she wanted to email and search the web while I wanted to download and copy my images. Since we were on a tour that kept us very active, we had little down time to work on the computer.
I will download my CF cards, most of which are UDMA capable using a Lexar USB3 UDMA capable card reader plugged into the USB2 port of the computer...