Nice find! A good photo of those baby bucks.
Lovely photo... your backgrounds are always beautiful. Do you have a strategy for this perfection in backgrounds?
PS your photos are always beautiful but I'm interested in your backgrounds.
Last edited by Brownbear; 26th May 2013 at 03:32 PM. Reason: add question
Thank you christina. My backgrounds are always 'in camera', I don't edit them in (perhaps remove a small twig, or bright spot, but that's about all). Get down low to the subjects level---shoot as open an aperture as you can, and still keep the subject in focus---try to get some distance between the subject and the background, so it will blur more---get as close as you can, so it will blur more(careful , you might have to increase the depth of field if you get really close)---look at the background, before you click, if it's not acceptable, reposition yourself.
One very helpful tip, when shooting wildlife..................................find good backgrounds first, and then shoot the wildlife in those areas. ( Comon sense, if your not in an area that offers a good or pleasing background, you won't get any shots with a good background in them.)
I think most people get so caught up in the technical side of photography, they forget about the simple things ,that make a big difference.
My pleasure. I'm a huge fan of your photography.
Thank you for sharing great advice that I intend to follow.
Yes, I'm learning about backgrounds from my mistakes. Great tip. Thank you.